Page 15 of Her Master at Last

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Chapter Five

“Are you ready?” Jack asked Morgan after he lowered the safety bar on the lift chair and they started their ascent.

Swinging her legs and looking down as they lifted off, she asked, “For what?”

“This.” Jack flipped the remote to the vibrator on high, sending Morgan into instant arousal.

With a startled shriek, Morgan clutched the safety bar in her gloved hands as the small gadget vibrated with strong pulsations inside her. Feeling it nestled right next to her clit, she could do nothing but go with the flow and ride out the instantaneous pleasure. Burying her face in Jack’s shoulder, she groaned in sheer frustration, pressing her legs tightly together, hoping that would either ease her arousal or send it over.

“Let go, Morgan. Go flying, right here, right now, while we’re up in the air. Don’t worry, I’ll be here to catch you.”

It was too much. The dizzying height their lift had taken them, Jack’s deep voice, and that insistent vibration between her legs all combined to throw her into a shattering climax that left her breathless and limp with pleasure. By the time they reached the top, Jack had turned it off and her shaking was reduced to small tremors.

“Don’t worry, princess,” Jack chuckled as he helped her down. “We were too far away for anyone to notice anything.” He wondered how long it would take her to lose enough modesty so she could climax and not care who knew or saw. While he found her embarrassment and shyness cute, he looked forward to the day she’d let go without giving a damn who was around to see.

After introducing her to Jeff, a young ski instructor who donated time to these groups in exchange for free use of the lodge’s facilities for him and his girlfriend, he outfitted Morgan with skis. “I’m going to relieve Jeff for a spell, but you go ahead and have fun. The slopes are marked as to degree of difficulty: beginner, intermediate, and experienced. I know you’ve skied before, but it might be best to start slow and work your way up.”

“Always protective, aren’t you, Jack?” Morgan asked, secretly pleased he hadn’t stopped looking out for her even though she was no longer that pathetic, ignored little girl he had first met.

“You’re my responsibility while you’re here. And I take my responsibilities seriously. Go, I’ll join you shortly.”

An hour later, Morgan was tired and cold, but exhilarated in a way she didn’t think she had ever been. Up here, away from her boring tedious job and from her parents’ negative influence, she could relax and be herself. Huddled in front of an outdoor wood stove, she warmed herself as she took in the breathtaking view of the snow-topped mountains from the elevated height. Icicles hung like teardrop diamonds from trees with a glimpse of greenery peeking out here and there. The different views of the mountains and the valley below from the ski lift and then the slopes had her longing for her pencils, aching to imprint the stunning vistas on paper. It had been years since she’d sketched or painted, and she’d missed the challenge of putting her creative juices to work.

Jack had always encouraged her art, buying her several art kits and supplies over the years. Her apartment held some of her paintings and she had sketch pads filled with drawings she’d always promised herself she’d paint someday. Life would be perfect if she could remain up here with Jack, spending her days drawing and painting and having sex. She just had to prove to him how much she wanted him and convince him to let her stay.

“Pretty, isn’t it?”

Morgan turned from the fire to smile up at Jack. His brown eyes were warm and his dark blond hair shone brightly in the sun, accentuating the contrast with his dark beard. “Yes,” she answered, referring to the deep valley. “It makes me want to draw again.”

Jack frowned down at her. “Tell me you haven’t given up on your art. I’ve asked you several times if you were still drawing and you assured me you were.”

“When I have time, I play with it. But I’ve never pursued it seriously, you know that. I have to make a living, and painting won’t pay the bills. Just because my parents have money doesn’t mean they’ll support me.”

“No, and you wouldn’t want them to. But that doesn’t mean you can’t pursue a career in art or look for a position in that field. You told me you had paid off your college debts last year.”

Morgan smiled with mockery. “Can you imagine mother’s reaction if I told her I was going to teac

h art classes? She’d die of embarrassment right after she disowned me.”

Jack shrugged as if her mother’s opinion was of no consequence. “So what. Let her disown you. At least you’d be doing something you want to do instead of what they want you to do. You broke off your engagement. You don’t have any attachments or obligations to keep you from pursuing another career, this time one of your choosing.”

Just the thought of someday being able to quit her job at her father’s company and spend her time doing what she loved gave her a heady feeling. “You really think I’m good enough to teach or sell my work?”

For twenty years Jack had been trying to bolster Morgan’s self-confidence, trying to undo and countermand the damage her negative, indifferent parents had wrought on their daughter. Sometimes he wondered if he was fighting a losing battle. In the past five years, ever since her college graduation, he had made sure he kept his contact with Morgan long distance. Phone calls and email were all they had shared in his attempt to give her a chance to find her own way, attain her own goals and grow as an independent, self-assured woman. He could see now that not helping her get out from under her parents’ control was a mistake. As long as she was around them, she’d never build up enough confidence in herself to challenge herself.

“I wouldn’t have encouraged you all these years if I didn’t think you had potential to be successful. When have I ever been anything but honest with you? Come on, let’s get a hot chocolate then I want to take you for a spin on one of the Cats. You’ll love it. You have a few days to think about what you want to do when you get home.”

He led her into the courtesy building, which held the restrooms and a small kitchen stocked with hot drinks and snacks. The caterer they used for the lodge kept this place supplied with refreshments as well and he was relieved to find they had made it up here this morning after the storm yesterday. Along with coffee, tea, and hot chocolate, there were sandwiches, a huge pot of steaming hot chicken noodle soup and several kinds of cookies.

After finishing their hot drinks and soup, Jack led her back outside and over to a big garage where they housed the snowmobiles. There was only one two-seater not being used, and he helped her onto the backseat before straddling the front. “Hold onto me, Morgan. We’ll start slow until you get used to it. When I turn, lean into the turn. Got it?”

“Got it.” Morgan grabbed Jack around his waist, grateful for his big body as he started up the Cat and they left the garage. Once out in the open, he picked up speed, hollered “Hold on!” and let the machine fly. Her screech rent the air as the cold air whipped around them, urging her to snuggle closer against Jack’s back. When she felt the vibrations start up again in her pussy, she welcomed the distraction and the heat.

Jack cast a swift look behind him, asking, “More?”

Morgan could only nod her head as the vibrations from the snowmobile underneath her and Jack’s hard body in front of her added to the stimulating pulses filling her pussy. As he guided them with smooth expertise over small slopes, around trees, and across the snow-covered ground, the small vibrator picked up speed and intensity, throwing her into a maelstrom of sensations. Rubbing her crotch against the seat and as close to Jack as possible, she was soon screaming out a climax that drove away the cold and left her shaken. Pleasure still whipped through her body, small aftershocks of coming completing apart in ecstasy, when he slowed down and brought them back to the garage.

Morgan’s legs wobbled when Jack helped her off and his knowing smirk didn’t make matters any better. “I swear, Jack, I’ve come more in the last twenty-four hours than I have in the last ten years. Had I known about all these little tricks you like to practice, I would’ve shown up on your doorstep ages ago.”
