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“Good luck. I’m going to scout around,” was all he told him before walking right past Piper without a word or backward glance as he strode off towards the wooded path across her yard.

Piper’s body betrayed her yet again as she felt the disappointment of Brody shunning her. All afternoon and on the drive home she had fought against the excitement filling her as she anticipated another session over Brody’s lap, an excitement that had her panties clinging damply to her folds, her nipples so tightly puckered they were practically poking holes in her bra. Her eyes went from his retreating back to slide over the garden bench, her breath releasing on a frustrated, resigned sigh of disappointment.

Her look spoke volumes, making it easier for Ian to give in to Brody’s suggestion. Not that he didn’t enjoy delivering a sound spanking to a willing partner, he just never indulged in that kink without following up with a long bout of sweaty sex. Because he understood and agreed with Brody’s reasoning there, he would honor

his decision. But it sure as hell wasn’t going to be easy, especially given the semi erect state his cock had been determined to maintain throughout the afternoon, all over another woman who was also off the table for sex. He simply refused to go there with Piper’s friend despite what he suspected was a growing mutual attraction.

“Don’t worry, Piper,” Ian said as he grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the bench. “Brody’s not the only one who can teach you we mean business.”

Before she knew it, Piper found herself facedown over another pair of hard, muscled thighs, her hips wiggling in a futile attempt to dislodge herself. With a swiftness and expertise that spoke of a lot of practice, Ian had her completely stripped of her shorts and panties and was peppering her ass with short, sharp slaps, slaps that were landing fast and furious over her buttocks. Shocked arousal speared through her senses, the heat and pain he was building wasting no time spiraling to her already soaked pussy. Mortified by her reaction, a reaction she had mistakenly thought was because of her attraction to the man more than the act, she struggled anew to get away from both the humiliation and the building lust Ian was responsible for.

“Let me go, Ian. Damn it, I don’t want to do this.” Her demand came out as a desperate plea, her mind refusing to accept what her body so blatantly did.

“Tough, you should have thought of that before worrying us, again, with your foolishness. Be still,” he ordered as he smacked the top of her thigh to keep her from kicking out. If it wasn’t for the obvious damp arousal seeping from her pussy to coat her thighs, he would stop, but the proof of her arousal couldn’t be denied, proof that Brody’s plan of causing her grief instead of giving her pleasure by having Ian administer this spanking was backfiring big time.

Two things made Piper give in. The first was she simply couldn’t fight against the pleasure she was getting from Ian spanking her, pleasure that was building with each painful smack. The second was the mention of the worry she had caused them, worry, she suspected was felt more by Brody than Ian since she and Brody had a history. Unable to stifle a cry when he landed a particularly hard blow on the sensitive flesh of the under curve of her right buttock, Piper gave in to the pleasure, sank into the bliss of a building orgasm she knew was going to be off the charts.

Burying her face in her folded arms, she didn’t even try to keep her hips from automatically lifting for his next swat, didn’t try to stop from rubbing her mound against the rough denim covering his rock hard thigh or stop the way her body shuddered over him. Her ass was a mass of throbbing heat, her buttocks clenching with her gyrations as her pussy swelled and dampened even more as her vaginal muscles contracted spasmodically in anticipation of climaxing.

Just as she reached the precipice, prepared herself mentally and physically to let go, Ian stopped smacking her then tantalized and tormented her with a slow stroke of one finger over the seam of her pussy, leaving a damp trail as he slowly glided up over her anus. Forgetting her frustration for a moment, she lifted against that finger, wanting to feel more against that sensitive spot, wanting to feel the penetration she remembered from the other night that had sent her careening over that edge once again.

As much as he’d like to delve into that tight orifice, Ian reluctantly left that treasure and soothed his palm over her reddened ass. There was no way in hell Brody was going to keep from taking her again, and there was no way in hell he was doing this again without the option of seeing it through to his satisfaction. But right now, he had no intention of sending her inside to get herself off in private. He wouldn’t fuck her, but he would give her this, even though Brody glared at him from across the yard as he flipped her over and sat her up on his lap, holding her in place with an arm around her shoulders and her legs.

Piper’s frustration and disappointment was so acute, she wanted nothing more than to escape Ian’s knowing eyes as he held her tightly until she quit struggling. “Let me go. You’ve done what you set out to do, now leave me alone.”

She masked it well, Ian thought, but beyond the embarrassment and sexual frustration, he could still see the mortification and disappointment of what she thought of as another rejection. It wasn’t his place to try to explain, but he could give her something. “I’m not Brody.” Spreading her thighs, he took her hand and drew it down to her gaping pussy. “Show me what you like. Come for me, Piper, and in doing so we’ll both give Brody a little payback. No, don’t turn around,” he stopped her by grasping her chin, keeping her face turned towards him. “Don’t think of anything except getting off. Here, I’ll even help.”

With unerring efficiency, Ian had her top whisked off over her head and the front clasp of her bra undone before she could grasp his meaning. Knowing Brody was watching, and hopefully suffering, gave her the incentive she needed to get over her initial reluctance to perform such a private act in front of Ian, a man she barely knew. Then again, she had no trouble getting aroused by an over the knee, bare assed spanking from this virtual stranger, which only told her Brody had fucked her up.

Liking the fact she could pin her woes on him as well as liking the way Ian had drawn her right nipple into his mouth and his tongue was curling around her taut bud, she gave in to the pleasure, the growing, consuming need to simply let go and enjoy the moment and the man. Her middle finger slid easily between her folds, and the soft, wet sound of her penetration would have been embarrassing if her vagina hadn’t clamped around that digit in a vice of silky steel, if the small tremors that had been so abruptly stopped didn’t pick up right where they left off, if she didn’t automatically jerk her hips against her hand and set her climax loose with a single stroke over her clit. Ian’s mouth and hand never let up on her breasts, his teeth nibbling, his fingers pinching, the slight sting adding to the pleasure sweeping through her with the speed and fury of a tempest.

Throwing her head back, her cry echoed in the yard, the warmth of the sun shining down on her adding to the heat exploding throughout her body.

Brody had to visibly force himself to stay rooted at the edge of the woods instead of crossing her small yard and joining them like his cock was demanding he do. He hadn’t been prepared for the possessiveness that had filled him when he had set eyes on Piper draped bare assed over Ian’s lap even though he knew what to expect when he returned from walking off his irritation and anger. Spanking a willing woman was only one of the kinks he and Ian shared a liking for and it wasn’t the first time they had both indulged in that pleasure with the same woman. In attending the parties Charles held, they had indulged in their penchant for sharing and ménages more than once as well as in their private lives, but he had never felt this gut wrenching urge to plant his fist in his best friend’s face over any woman before. He hadn’t been jealous when Ian had joined him in helping Piper through the effects of whatever aphrodisiac she had been unwillingly given the other night. Then again, he had been there with them, joining in the pleasure of bringing her to orgasm over and over.

Watching them now, he had to grudgingly admit that she had completely turned the tables on them with her willing response to Ian’s hand reddening her ass, an ass he was dying to get his hands on again. The automatic lifting of her hips, her soft cries of both pain and pleasure and the telltale dampness seeping from her pussy was all the proof he needed that, if she had fought against having a man she didn’t know intimately performing such an act, it wasn’t for very long.

“Son of a bitch,” he cursed when Ian flipped her over and then didn’t release her to finish getting herself off in private. Brody knew what he was doing, knew Ian was trying to torment him because of his refusal to let either of them fuck Piper, and damned if it wasn’t working. Could there be a worse torment than watching a woman you wanted more than your next breath touching herself, watching her come apart under her own hands? He wanted to stride over and join Ian at her breasts, feel her hard little nipple stabbing him, join his fingers with hers and feel her come on them just like she did the other night.


cry of release had his cock seeping enough to dampen his jeans and crumble his good intentions. After Ian righted her clothes and sent her inside with a friendly swat on her ass, Brody’s only consolation for the past twenty minutes of pure torture Ian had put him through was that, from the stiff way he was rising, Ian was suffering the same painful effects as Brody was.

Ian walked over to Brody, eyed the bulge that had to be as uncomfortable as his and stated, “If she pushes us again, don’t ask for my help unless we’re going to go all the way with her. This is bullshit.”

“But I think it’s for the right reason and you know it.”

“You would,” he sighed, “which makes you a hell of a better man than me. It’s my turn to walk off a little frustration.”

“A cold dip in the lake works wonders too,” Brody called after him before heading inside and setting the ground rules, again.

Piper was coming back downstairs when Brody entered the cabin and glared up at her. “Problem?” she asked innocently, relishing both the hard on he was sporting and the frustration he couldn’t hide. It was good to know he was suffering right along with her.

Brody met her at the foot of the stairs and with her two steps up, they were almost eye level. “The next time you take off alone, it won’t be a hand you feel on those soft cheeks, darlin’, but my belt. From what I’m told, there’s a distinct difference in a hand slap and the taste of leather. You might want to consider that before you defy us again.”

Piper’s eyes shifted to the thick, black belt at his waist and she couldn’t stop a shudder from going through her. The problem was, she wasn’t sure if it was a reaction of fear or of longing, because, God help her, she was suddenly curious about how that belt would feel stroking the soft globes of her buttocks. Shying away from that revelation, she managed to look coolly into his eyes and say, “Or I could tell you to leave.” As soon as the words left her mouth she knew she didn’t mean them. She wanted them here, she needed them here. Despite her reluctance to adhere so rigidly to their demands, she was afraid of the recent events, afraid of what they meant, afraid she did have someone who, for whatever reason, had it in for her. And she was smart enough to know she couldn’t handle finding the person behind these incidents without help. As if that wasn’t reason enough to let them stay, there was also the undeniable fact that she wanted Brody as much now as she had five years ago and she wasn’t willing to let him go until she got him out of her system once and for all.

“Are you telling us to leave, Piper?” Of course, he wouldn’t go whether she told him to or not. If he had to camp just outside her property line to keep her safe, he would do it until he found who was harassing her and put a stop to it. If these incidents were meant to worry Charles and draw him out and he took him into custody, he’d deal with the consequences of that later.
