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She's right. There's no doubt she was a virgin, the tinted bedspread is proof of it. What purity she had is now a smear on the starch white sheets. She gave herself to me, of all the people in the world, she gifted me her innocence. I'm the man who took her halo and traded it for a beautiful sin. A dirty, sexy little sin that makes every inch of my body ache for more.

Kelsie is mine, even if she doesn't know it yet. But the twinkle in her eyes says she's well aware that we shared something special. Something more than just her first time. It's deeper than that, stronger than that, and I don't think either of us can ignore it.

“So, I guess I'll see you in the morning?” I ask.

Kelsie smiles as she runs her fingers through her hair, pulling it up into a ponytail. “Yeah, but you can always text me later.” She winks, her smile growing wider. “We might not be able to spend the night together, but it doesn't mean we have to stop talking.”

“I'll text you later, then.” I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her in. Placing a kiss on the tip of her nose, she giggles. “But just so you know, I really can't wait to see you tomorrow.”

“Me too.”

She peeks through the peep hole on the door, checking to make sure her parents aren't in the hall. “It's all clear.”

Her hand is on the handle, but I can't let her open it without one more kiss. I grab her hand and hold it still. Her eyes flick between mine as she licks her lips.

I pinch her chin and tilt her head up, giving her a delicate kiss. It's soft, laced with a million emotions and words I can’t put together in my own mind, but I know they're there.

My head is telling me I need to go before I get her in trouble, but my heart is telling me to stay. I'm a commonsense man. I know that keeping this quiet is the best thing to do for now. I'm just not sure how long I'll be able to keep our little secret. Because no matter how rational my head might be, I know my heart is always louder.



I lean against the door frame and watch him walk down the hall. He looks back at me one last time before disappearing around the corner.

My body is on fire. I can still feel the orgasm, even now as I stand in the doorway. I'm smiling to myself. My lips are still heavy from his kisses. Reaching up, I softly touch my mouth with the pads of my fingers.

I can't believe I just did that. I'm not a virgin anymore.

“Ahem.” The cough comes from behind me.

I whip my head around. The blood drains from my face, and I wobble on my feet. My brother is leaning back with his foot up against the wall. His arms are crossed over his chest, and the look on his face is clear as blackmail.

I'm caught. Fuck.

“Well, look what we have here,” he says, standing up and walking toward me.

“Come here,” I snap. I throw my arm out and grab him by the collar, dragging him inside my room. Closing the door behind me, I glare at him. “What did you see?” I ask.

“Enough to know I own you.” Seth's lips spread into an evil smile. He looks happy, like this is what he's been waiting for his whole life. A chance to hold something over my head.

“What do you want?” My voice is cold and to the point. “There's no point in beating around the bush, just say it. What's it going to take to get you to keep your mouth shut?”

“I think you know what I want.”

I tilt my head and think. What the hell can I give this seventeen-year-old kid that he doesn't have already?

He sees the emptiness of my mind and rolls his eyes. “Are you serious? You really don't know?” Seth groans, annoyed that he needs to explain. “I want what I've always wanted. I want to take dad's car for a ride. You really couldn't think of that?”

“How the hell am I supposed to know what you want? I can't read your damn mind, and even if I could, I wouldn't want to. I've seen how you look at that girl who works at the ice cream shop back home.” Cringing, I shake my head in disgust. “But Dad's car we can do. I know nothing and you know nothing. I'm not sure how you'll get away with it, though.”

“Don't worry about the details, I'll figure it out. We'll both just keep our mouths shut and we're good. I wash your back, you wash mine.” He smiles all weird, as if he's some slick James Bond wannabe, and the plan is coming to life in his head.
