Page 288 of Our Way

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I hear the shower turn on, and I doze back off to sleep. It’s so nice having nowhere to go and nothing to do. I could get used to this lifestyle.

Nathan walks back into the bedroom only a few minutes later, making me stir. He’s wearing his navy suit, he’s all dressed up and he smells delicious. He sits on the side of the bed and leans down to kiss me again.

“I’m going, baby.”

I smile sleepily up at him. “Okay.”

He brushes the hair back from my forehead. “Don’t go back to your place. Stay here.” He kisses me softly. “We can have dinner together tonight.”

I wince as I remember…. Oh shit.

“I can’t tonight.” I pull him down on me and kiss him. “Tomorrow night.”

“Why not tonight?”

“I have plans.” My sleepy relaxed state begins to dissipate.

“What plans?”

I frown. “I’m… I’m having dinner with Henry.”

“What?” He jumps to a standing position. “Over my dead fucking body.”

“It’s only to tell him that I’m not interested in him.” I lie back down and close my eyes. It’s too early for this shit.

“You haven’t told him that you aren’t interested yet?”

“I haven’t spoken to him, so I’m sure he already knows, but when he asked me to dinner tonight, I thought that telling him in person was the decent thing to do.”

He marches out into the living room and I put my forearm over my eyes, what is he doing now? He storms back in and shoves my phone in my face. “Call him.”


“You call him now and tell him that we’re back together.”


“Fucking call him!”

I get out of bed. “I’m not calling him. He was a good friend to me while I was in New York. I owe him the respect of telling him in person.”


“We are not back together yet, Nathan—cut it out. I’ll go to dinner and tell him, and then I’ll come back to stay here with you afterward.”


“You don’t have a choice.” I march into the bathroom. I sit down to go to the toilet, and he marches in.

“I saw you kiss him, remember, Eliza? I know what he wants!”

I roll my eyes at his dramatics. “Do you mind?” I gesture to me sitting on the toilet. “I’m kind of busy here.”

“Cancel. I mean it.”

“Will you get the hell out while I go to the bathroom?” I yell. “Give me some fucking privacy.”

He storms out.
