Page 54 of Our Way

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His ass rests on the kitchen counter, and he smiles as he sips his wine. His eyes linger on me.

I do a little jog on the spot. “Seventeen days until we go away. I’ve just got to get through two weeks at my new job first.”

“Can’t come soon enough. I need this vacation.”

“Me, too.” I pull myself up to sit on the counter beside him. “What are we going to do while we’re there?”


“Like what?” I smile hopefully. “Tell me everything.”

“Sleep in, eat delicious food, lie in the sun, shop… drink cocktails.”

I tip my head back in excitement. “I just can’t wait.”

“Don’t forget we’ve got my parents’ party next weekend,” he reminds me.

“Oh.” I cringe.


“I forgot to pick up the cake tin today. I meant to call in on the way home and I completely forgot.”

“What do you need a cake tin for?”

“I’m making your dad’s birthday cake on Saturday for his party.”

“You are not going all the way there to cook all day Saturday. I’ll buy a damn cake.”

“I am. I offered. My cakes are his favorite, and besides, cooking for people I care about makes me happy.”

He rolls his eyes as he drains his glass. “I’m taking a shower.” He saunters down the hall.

My phone dances across the counter.

It’s Samuel.

I peer down the hall after Nathan. Shit, hurry up and get in the shower. I don’t want you to hear me. “Hello,” I answer.

“Eliza, hi. It’s Samuel.”

I smile goofily. “Hi.” My voice comes out like a high pitch screech, and I push my thumb into my eye socket. I clear my throat, determined to sound better.

I can see down the hall and into my bedroom and I watch as Nathan loosens his tie.

I’ll keep an eye on him so I know if he can hear me.

“You called me. I’m impressed,” he purrs.

“I said I would.”

Nathan slides his jacket over his shoulders and begins to unbutton his shirt, I watch on.

“How was your day?” Samuel asks.

Nathan takes his shirt off, and I watch as every muscle in his back tenses.

“It… was good,” I stammer, distracted. My eyes are locked on my best friend. “How was yours?”
