Page 73 of The Italian

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Enrico Ferrara is an Italian businessman, aged thirty-four. He took over as the CEO of Ferrara Holdings upon the death of this father Giuliano and grandfather Stefano Ferrara who died in a tragic motor vehicle accident in Rome.

Known for his handsome good looks, sharp intellect, and Playboy lifestyle, he has become one of the most powerful men in Europe, with company assets currently valued at seventeen billion euro.

What the fuck?

His father died in a car accident? When?

I skim the information, until I get to a line that stands out.

For generations, the Ferrara family has been known to have deep roots within the Mafiosi, though no criminal charges have ever been laid and no witnesses have ever come forward. The Ferrara family is somewhat an enigma and has been a constant source of innuendo and gossip for centuries. Nothing, however, has ever been proven. They are perhaps just shrewd businessmen, and along with their success have come false accusations.

I slump back into my chair. What?

I Google again.

What is Mafiosi?

Noun, Plural noun. Mafiosi

A member of the Mafia or similar organized

crime organization.

My eyes widen. The Mafia! He’s in the fucking Mafia?

I slam my computer shut. That’s ridiculous.

This isn’t a crime novel, Olivia, you idiot.

I drum my fingers on the table for a moment. I pick up my tea and take a sip with a shaky hand. I get a vision of Rico holding a gun up while someone kneels and begs for his mercy. I see horses’ heads in beds, murders, drugs, killing, death and...

I just can’t imagine the Rici Ferrara I know being involved in any of this.

But I really don’t know him at all. I never did. He already proved that to me.

Oh shit, I really need to know more. I open my computer again and type in:

What is the Italian Mafia in the twentieth century?

I lean forward as I read on.

The Mafia is a group of men with an allegiance to one family. In Italy, there were four Mafiosi families dating back hundreds of years, although all territory has now been claimed by the Ferrara Family. They have tentacles into labor unions, and many legitimate businesses, including construction, sports car manufacturing, football stadiums, restaurants, nightclubs and strong ties in the Milan garment indus

try. They have raked in enormous profits through kickbacks and protection shakedowns.

I sit and stare at my computer screen, too shocked to react. I read that line again.

Although all territory has now been claimed by the Ferrara family.

Holy shit, maybe it really is true?

I slam my computer shut in disgust.

Rici Ferrara isn’t just an asshole now. He’s a bad asshole—one with criminals who pledge allegiance to him.

That’s it, I’m forgetting I ever met him. Unlike the five hundred times I’ve tried to forget him before, this time I really am.
