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Stiles looked to Odran and he nodded, giving him permission to deliver whatever news he had for them.

“Word has been received, my lord.”

Elysia didn’t like that Stiles avoided looking at her and that Lendra didn’t take her eyes off Elysia. She reached out to take hold of her husband’s hand and his fingers closed firmly around hers.

Stiles hurried to deliver the rest. “Lord Brogan and Annis have been captured by mercenaries.”

Elysia gasped and her husband’s arm went around her and she saw tears pool in Lendra’s eyes.

“Is this news to be trusted?” Odran asked.

“Aye, my lord, a completely trustworthy source,” Stiles confirmed.

“Have Finch ready to leave in the morning to take a message to Rannick,” Odran ordered.

“Aye, my lord,” Stiles said and looked to Lendra. “Come. We take our leave.”

“Annis is strong and courageous, Lady Elysia. She can survive anything,” Lendra said, trying to keep her tears from falling. “The mercenaries will learn soon enough their mistake and release her.”

“I pray your words prove true, Lendra,” Elysia said, fighting her own tears.

“If you need me, my lady, I am here for you,” Lendra said and followed Stiles out the door.

Elysia turned to her husband as soon as the door closed. “You send a message letting Bliss know what happened to Annis?”

“Nay, I send a message to Rannick. He spent time with a troop of mercenaries and if anyone can help Annis and Brogan, he can. Though Brogan is a skilled warrior and I have no doubt he will keep Annis safe.”

Memories flooded Elysia and, surprisingly, she suddenly found herself chuckling.

“I know what you think, wife, for I thought the same,” Odran said with a chuckle of his own.

Elysia smiled. “Lendra is right. The mercenaries will rue the day they captured Annis.”

Odran and Elysia fell back on the bed laughing, then turned to face each other.

“Something has changed. I don’t know what, but it almost feels as if the curse has lost some of its power and there is now hope for a brighter future. Maybe Annis found a way to end the curse and has freed us all,” Odran said and kissed his wife gently. “Regardless of what happens, wife, my love for you grows stronger by the day.”

Elysia smiled. “I always knew you had a big heart and I’m glad it belongs to me.”

“Always, wife, always,” Odran said and sealed his vow with a kiss.

