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Jeanette started to say something when the chimes over the door jangled. All three of them looked over to see a tall, thin man wearing a heavy blue hoodie striding through. His hands were in his pockets, his eyes on the floor.

“I’m sorry, but we’re closed.” Jeanette had only left the door unlocked for Hunter.

The man pulled his hand out of his pocket as his eyes lifted. Jeanette paled. There was no mistaking the gun in his hand or the crazed expression on his face. “I’m not here for your damn coffee.” He pointed the gun at the cash register and shouted. “I want your fucking money, bitch!”

Roni started to shift, but the movement caught the robber’s attention. He swung his arm around until the gun was mere inches from her face. “Move and I blow your head off!”

Fear for her friends galvanized Jeanette into action. “You can have the money. Please, just don’t hurt us.”

“Then get it. I don’t have all night!”

“The register has been emptied already. It’s in the back, in my office.”

“If you’re fucking with me, I’ll kill you.”

“I’m not, I swear.”

“Fine. Let’s all take a little trip to the back.”

Together, they moved through the swinging kitchen doors, the gunman at their back. Jeanette could feel the barrel pressed into her back. Her legs shook by the time she reached her office. Jeanette walked around the side of the desk, as she looked up, her gaze connected with the robber’s wild blue eyes. “The money bag is in my drawer. I’m just going to reach into my pocket to retrieve the key.”

“Fine, just fucking hurry!”

She reached into the pocket of her slacks and pulled out her keys. Her fingers shook so bad it took three tries to get the drawer unlocked. When she pulled out the money bag and held it out, the robber snatched it out of her hand and shoved it into the pocket of his hoodie. “Now give me the keys!”

Suddenly a dark figure appeared in the doorway. Jeanette’s fear ratcheted up several notches as she watched Hunter place a finger against his lips in a bid for her silence. Jeanette started to hand the keys over. As the robber lowered the gun to grab them from her, Hunter sprang into action. He jumped onto the man’s back and wrestled the gun away. The robber cursed and struggled, but his thin frame couldn’t match Hunter’s muscular build. Within seconds Hunter had the man pinned to the hard, tile floor, his hands behind his back.

Jeanette tore around the desk and shouted to her friends, “Call 911!”

Roni dug into the pocket of her blazer, pulled out her cell phone and started dialing. Lydia and Jeanette hugged, both speaking at the same time. “Are you okay?”

The man kicked and writhed, cursing a blue streak. Hunter pulled his arms harder. The robber, who’d just minutes before threatened to kill them all, started wailing.

“Keep it up, asshole, and I’ll hogtie you,” Hunter gritted out.

“The police are on their way,” Roni said, her voice shaking with fear.

“Sweetness, why don’t you three ladies head out to the front and wait for the cops. I’ve got dumbass here under control.”

Jeanette didn’t want to leave him there alone with the guy, subdued or not. When she heard sirens off in the distance, relief poured through her. “Go, baby,” he urged. “He’s not going anywhere, I promise.”

“Come on, Jeanette,” Roni said. “He’s right, we should go wait for the police.”

Jeanette sent up a silent prayer before leaving the office, Roni and Lydia hugging her close.

Hours passed before the whole ordeal finally ended. All of them had to give statements and the paperwork seemed to take forever. When Dane and Jake arrived at the police station to collect Roni and Lydia, Jeanette’s composure shattered. As they all gathered at her car, tears filled Jeanette’s eyes. Her two best friends in the world could’ve been killed and she would’ve been helpless to stop it.

“Oh, God.” Her voice shook. “I was so afraid he was going to shoot us.”

Hunter hugged her close, his voice filled with tenderness when he said, “I know, little love, but it’s over now.”

Roni patted her on the back with a trembling hand. “I can’t believe how brave you were, sweetie. I nearly wet myself back there.”

Jeanette swiped the tears out of her eyes. “Brave? I shook like a leaf when he pulled that gun out.” She held out her hand, palm down. “I’m still a mess.”

“It didn’t show though,” Roni said. “You stayed in control; that’s the important thing.”

“Roni’s right. You were a rock, honey,” Lydia said from beneath Dane’s arm. Jeanette noticed he hadn’t let her friend leave his side since he’d arrived.

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