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“Yeah, what Mac said,” Trent replied as he strode into the room, carrying a tray laden with tea. He placed the tray on the bedside table, then sat down beside her. “We’ve loved you from the first moment we saw you.”

Crystal’s heart filled, and tears sprang to her eyes. “I feel like the luckiest woman in the world right about now.”

Mac cocked his head to the side. “And why is that?”

She reached up and kissed his cheek, then did the same to Trent. “Because I have the two of you. Almost makes me feel like a glutton.” She winked and let a small grin escape. “But not quite enough to give you up.”

Mac took her face in his hands. “You’re amazing and the only woman we’ve ever wanted to share our lives with.”

“Mac’s right,” Trent said as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and hugged her into his side. “You’re the only one, baby.”

Crystal settled against Trent and realized how right it was to be there. “So, how about we go to Hawaii for my recovery?”

Mac and Trent both chuckled. “Anything you want, baby,” Trent said, “it’s yours.”

“Ditto,” Mac murmured.

Oh God, she truly was the luckiest woman alive.


One month later . . .

Crystal stood on the balcony, staring out at the clear blue water. Hawaii was simply beautiful. And so much more romantic than she’d imagined. She’d been beyond pleased when Trent and Mac had offered to take her on a weeklong trip to the tropical islands. It was exactly what she’d needed to recoup from Richard’s Fatal Attraction episode. And although it had taken a ton of work to get Kinks 2 up and running, Mac and Trent had made it happen. God, they were amazing when they put their heads together. They’d designed the new club to bring in maximum profits, while still keeping a private club feel. Mac had agreed to take on the job of running the new club, while Trent handled the first Kinks. It worked out perfectly.

The warm weather in Hawaii was perfect for sunning and boating. Now, as the cool night breeze off the water sent a chill down her body, Crystal watched the dark waves slowly rolling in, then back out again. It was their first night there. She wondered whether Trent and Mac would even let her out of bed to enjoy the sights. Or whether she’d let them out. She grinned at the thought, then heard a shuffling from behind. Turning her head, Crystal watched Mac and Trent striding toward her. They were dark, strong, and mostly naked. Her body stirred to life.

“Why are you out here when we’re in there?” Trent asked.

Crystal barely suppressed the need to moan. Trent’s deep voice always had the power to turn her on. Of course, his bare chest and sexy black boxer-briefs didn’t hurt, either. “I’m enjoying this beautiful evening. It’s amazing here, Trent. Thank you for this.”

Trent took her in his arms and held her tight. “You’re welcome, baby.”

Crystal pushed backward and peered to the left of Trent to see Mac in a pair of navy blue pajama pants, a sexy grin on his handsome face. “Why are you over there?” she asked.

He leaned close and pressed his lips to her temple. “Because I want you back inside.”

She stepped out of Trent’s arms and followed Mac into their suite. The hotel was beautiful, the room ridiculously expensive, and yet it could be a hole-in-the-wall for all she cared. Her sole concentration was on Mac and Trent in that moment as he tossed his pj’s on a chair and headed toward her, a gleam of wicked intent lighting his eyes.

As if they’d done this a thousand times, Crystal walked backward until her knees bumped up against the end of the bed. Mac gently pushed at the center of her chest, knocking her back onto the gorgeous, ivory-colored comforter. She scooted up the mattress so that she lay in the center. Trent, in all his bronzed and dark-haired glory, stripped out of his clothes and spread out on the bed next to her, while Mac lowered himself on top of her. Their well-muscled bodies and the intensity in their deep eyes was enough to have any woman drooling, but the heavy weight between Mac’s legs had her aching and wet. She peeked over at Trent and realized he was every bit as hard.

Mac pushed his pelvis against her, gaining her attention. With the single-minded purpose of making him squirm, Crystal began smoothing her right hand over his pectorals. She ran her fingers through the coarse dark curls that covered his chest, then inched her legs upward until they were wrapped around his lean waist. She let her sex slide along the length of his cock, luxuriating in his deep groan of satisfaction.

“You make me crazy, angel,” Mac confessed as he teased his fingers down the front of her, setting off several little fires along the way. “Ah, soft as flower petals,” he groaned as he kissed her. His lips, so warm and firm, tasted hers with luxurious thoroughness, as if he wanted to spend a good long time pleasuring each and every part of her body with his mouth. When he flipped them both over, putting her on top, she started to protest. His pleasurable torture continued, distracting her. By slow degrees, he took playful licks of her tongue and nipped her lower lip with his teeth. When she felt a pair of masculine hands cupping and caressing her bottom, Crystal broke the kiss and looked beside her to see Trent propped up on his elbow. The intensity in his silver gaze scorched a path clear to her core. His fingers dipped into the cleft and touched her clitoris. Crystal moaned. He stroked her swollen pussy lips, and her body vibrated at the touch. “I love you.”

“I love you,” she finally admitted, unable to contain the glorious feelings rioting inside her any longer. “Both of you.”

Trent dipped his finger into her pussy, sinking deep, then murmured, “I fucking love hearing you say that, baby.”

“Damn, me too,” Mac said, his voice a low rumble of sound in the quiet room.

With Trent’s finger thrusting in and out, Crystal was having a hard time concentrating. Her body was on fire. “I didn’t think it was possible to love two men at the same time—until now.”

“As long as we’re the only two men,” Trent said teasingly as a second finger joined the first. “And we’re going to want to hear you say those three little words a lot. Like, at least ten times a day.”

“I have a little something for you,” Mac interjected.

“You and Trent are all I need,” she said, meaning every word.
