Page 56 of Rogue Hearts

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“That’s big, but sometimes that’s not enough.”

“Saying that was a big deal to me.”

“Did she say it back?”

“I could tell I caught her off guard, so I told her I’d wait.”

“Losing patience already?”

“I’m not worried about patience. I can wait as long as she wants me to. What I can’t do is see her move to Chicago.”

“She’s still considering it?

“Apparently she never stopped seeing it as an option.”

“Don’t let her run away to Chicago. If you don’t want her to leave, you have to keep her here.”

“How do you suggest I do that?”

“Grand gestures can work.”

“I already told her I love her.”

“Verbal affirmation isn’t a gesture.”

“What should I do?”

Erik crossed his arms and waited again.

Andrei quirked his brow when he realized what Erik was getting at. “I thought you said we were moving too fast.”

“That was before you told me she could leave for another state. You love her and want both her and the baby.”

“I’d do anything for them.”

“Then you have your answer. Besides, slow isn’t for everyone.”

“Okay. I’ll do my best to keep her here in New York. There’s no question about it. I have to convince her she belongs with me.”

“Thatta boy,” Erik teased. “Now that’s settled, I have a serious question for you.”

“Shoot.” Andrei leaned forward, expecting something serious.

“Can I finally be Uncle Erik?”

Andrei laughed so hard, he had to grip the table. He needed the break in real talk, because there was no question Erik would be a large part in the kid’s life just like his daughters loved Erik.”

“Of course you can. Once Victoria meets you, I’m sure she’ll agree.”

“Good because I love you, man, but having no one sucks ass.”

Andrei could understand where Erik was coming from. They’d been best friend since high school, and a car accident had taken his parents just before graduation. That had been a huge blow to him, so Andrei’s family had taken him in until he decided to go out on his own. He refused any help and chose to make a life for himself, one that he was happy with until recently.

“Why don’t you come next weekend, too?” he asked Erik. “Everyone would be happy to see you, especially the girls.” Andrei also knew how much being called Uncle Erik meant. Trish had been dead set against it and wouldn’t let their girls call him that. Whenever he asked why, she’d just say it was because he wasn’t really their uncle. She’d even denied having Erik as a godfather. He’d have to ask Victoria for her blessing after she met him, which was another good reason to have Erik at the family house.

“You don’t think it’ll be too crowded?”

“It’s never too crowded for you. You’re family”

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