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Chapter One

Xavier Cerelli

Finally! After years of trying to figure out a way to have her, she is finally mine! Every day for the past few months I’ve been able to find some way to see her, to get close to her. She rarely knows that I’m around, but even that is all right. Ever since she moved here with her father and the rest of “my guys” I've been able to keep an eye on her. Shaking my head, I think that might be the douchiest thing I have ever said, even if it was only to myself. It’s the champagne I’m sure. I rarely allow myself more than a single drink, and over the last couple of hours, I had significantly more than that.

Analise has had a few too many as well. The reserved demeanor that she usually displays around me is long gone. I can’t say that I mind. She is currently sitting sideways across my lap toying with the buttons on my starched white dress shirt, pressing flirty little kisses along my jaw and neck. Her lips are soft and a little damp from the champagne she was just sipping.

The smell of her sweet perfume fills the back of the limo, surrounding me.

I’m lost in her touches, the eager little noises falling from her lips between little puffs of breath. Every sexy sound shoots through me like a jolt of electric current flowing right to my cock.

The ride from the church doesn’t take very long. When it comes to a stop it takes me a long moment before I’m able to unwind her clinging arms and set her back in her seat.

She treats me to a pretty little pout. She’s fucking adorable. Taking her hand I tug her, urging her to follow me out of the now open door of the hired vehicle. The driver keeps his eyes respectfully on the ground by his feet, not looking at the way her white dress is slightly askew from my wandering hands. As she scrambles out she trips on the long satin with a small cry.

Bending slightly, I sweep her into my arms preventing her from a fall. Her distress morphs into a tipsy giggle as I carry her through the main lobby of my building. I usually use the private entrance in the parking garage, but a part of me wants everyone to see my claim on her.

Muffled sounds from the casino floor drift to my ears as I bundle her close and a bellhop hurries to press the button on the penthouse elevator.

I have been planning this day for years. Five of them, in fact. Since the day she turned eighteen. I would have gone about this in a more traditional way if that were possible, but when you are the only son of Xavier Cerelli, Sr. there is no way to have normal. I count myself lucky that my father didn’t force me to marry someone of his choosing in an attempt to strengthen his empire. So I waited. Watched her from a distance and bided my time. Lucky for me, I outlasted the old man and finally was able to leave New York behind. My uncle, Dominic was only too happy to leave Vegas to pick up the reins in New York so I could finally make my own way out west. He may not have been so happy to do it if he realized that by making my own way meant getting as far away from the Cerelli legacy as I possibly could. In every single way.

When I relocated here I brought with me a select crew of “soldiers”. Dominic insisted and I knew that it would make waves if I refused, so I handpicked enough men that I knew wanted a way out of the life they were leading. It was simple enough to make sure that her father was among them. Vince wasn’t much of an asset to the family and I don’t trust him at all. I'm sure that he will eventually bring trouble to my door, but even knowing that, I needed to have her nearby. I couldn’t move across the country and not have her near.

She was always around the neighborhood, ever since she was dropped off on Vince’s doorstep by a social worker after her mom died out in California when she was thirteen. That’s when my fascination with her started. At first, it was just because she was so different from all the girls in our neighborhood. She was dissimilar to any girl I had ever met in person. Beautiful, sure, but it was more than that. It was her kindness, the way she had a kind word for everyone she met.

I was already seventeen and she was still in middle school, so our paths rarely crossed. I was happy about that. I didn’t want to notice her. A little kid, even though she was one of those young girls who looked older than her years. All of the guys noticed her.

All I wanted was to graduate and get the hell away from my father, but even then I made sure that she was left alone. I made it clear that she was under my protection and that anyone who messed with her would answer to me.

Her lips and teeth nip and pull at my neck and shirt, bringing all of my attention racing back to her as she presses the button to close the elevator door, clinging to my neck with one arm. Her hot little tongue poking out every so often to taste the salt of my skin. “X,” she whispers, shortening my name in a familiar way that makes my heart leap wildly in my chest. Slowly, she blinks her big green eyes up at me, “I’m feeling a little funny,” she whispers, so seriously, before she locks those amazing eyes on mine again.

“Is this what it feels like to be horny?” She asks in a sweet little voice that is slightly husky and breathless with desire. “I feel all warm and tingly,” she pauses shyly before continuing in a conspiratorial whisper, “it reminds me of how I feel when I read the naughty parts of romance novels.” Her giggle is captivating, and I can’t even begin to express what thinking about her getting tingly

does to me.

The elevator doors open into the foyer just outside my penthouse, and reluctantly I set her carefully on her feet. Lowering my face until our foreheads touch and our breath mingles, I growl softly, “Is that so, Analise?” She nods her head, her eyes never leaving mine.

“Want me to do something about it?”

Without hesitation, she gives me two saucy little words that I barely let myself ever even dream of, “Yes, Sir.” I can hardly believe my luck. Blindly pressing the code to unlock the door I back her through the opening, my hands firmly on the soft curve of her hips. Turning her toward the bedroom at the end of the hall, I sharply swat her ass without thinking. I’m amazed, and I won’t deny even more turned on when she tosses a sassy glance at me over her shoulder and winks. Winks! The little tease! She does her best to prance down the hall in the direction I indicated, her tight little ass swaying back and forth inside the gown that binds her at the knees so that she can’t take a full step. I think she called it a mermaid dress or something. Seems a little pointless, but the way it clings to the lines of her body it’s undeniably sexy as fuck. I follow her without hesitation pointing her to my room, our room, unbuttoning my shirt and pulling it free of the waistband of my slacks as I go.

Stumbling a little as she gets close to the bed, she spins to face me on the delicate heels on her feet. She wobbles for an instant then throws her arms around my neck, lifting her face for my kiss. I shouldn’t, not until I can tell her everything, but I greedily take what she offers. Fusing my mouth to hers and tugging her tight skirt up enough that I can cradle her naked ass in my hands. She rocks against me, her tongue fighting with mine for control, and she whimpers into my mouth. That little sound of capitulation does something to me. There is a shift inside me, and without thought, I wind my hand in her long silvery blonde hair, scattering bobby pins and making a mess of her fancy updo.

Lifting her until her toes barely brush against the floor, I push my hand between her thighs from behind. I can’t control my need to rub her through her tiny thong and know how wet she is for me.

The silky fabric is drenched with her sweetness. My self-control slips even more and I increase the pressure of my fingers. I stroke against the hard little nub of her clit while tugging on her hair hard enough to pull our mouths apart.

An urgent cry falls from her lips and she tenses in my arms. I rub harder, working the stiff peak roughly with the pads of two fingers. She shudders violently against me, making me almost lose my grip on her body, as a hot spill of wetness soaks through her panties coating my hand, as she cries out my name.

My name on her precious lips as she cums obliterates the last shreds of my self-control. I’m a beast, unleashed to claim what is his as I turn her around, yanking roughly at her wedding dress.


Oh my gracious! I cannot believe that just happened! I literally just had my first non self-induced orgasm! And it happened because Xavier Cerelli pulled my freaking hair! Why was that so unbelievably hot? Yes, he was also rubbing my pussy, but I know what tipped me over the edge were the feelings that exploded in me when he wrapped his enormous hand in my hair and pulled.

I must be some kind of freak! I try to pull away from his embrace. We need to slow down for a bit. We need to talk...or something! I need a minute to figure out what the heck just happened. But I can’t. Not while he’s touching me. Not until I know why I’m in this position.

I couldn’t get dad to tell me much. Just that it was “family business”. Meaning he fucked up somehow and for whatever reason, I’m paying the consequences by being married off to Xavier Cerelli, Jr. himself. I have zero doubts that if I had refused at the altar I would have been ignored.

I won’t just give in to him just because he’s the only man that I ever even thought about making love with… fuck that! He’s the only guy I have ever wanted to fuck! There! I am NOT going to love him. I know that he doesn’t love me. Loving him would break my heart. I have heard stories about him since junior high. Yep, even in middle school, everyone knew Xavier and his popularity with half the female student body. I can’t say I blame them. Look at the man. He’s freaking gorgeous! Well over six feet tall, wide shoulders that are thick with muscle that tapers into lean hips and a firm, tight ass on top of thickly muscled thighs. He’s every woman’s wet dream. Sex in a disheveled tuxedo, the flush of too much champagne tinging his tanned cheeks.

His hands are still yanking at my clothes when I look up into his face. Gone is the sexy, charming man who danced with me in the small reception hall at Saint Anne’s after our brief wedding. Gone is the playful man who toasted me with champagne and let me flirt and rub all over him in the limo when the alcohol allowed me to forget why this whole thing is a bad idea. Gone is the sweet man who carried me over the threshold of this home we are supposed to share.

In his place is someone else, lean face set in hard lines of lust, tearing at my dress, pushing it up over my hips before roughly pushing my panties down my legs. It’s all happening so fast. Way too fast!

The rigid heat of his cock slips between my thighs, sliding wetly and bumping my throbbing clit. It feels so good that my knees buckle and I collapse forward toward the mattress. His big hands grip my hips tighter, keeping me on my feet, his pelvis pressed tight against my ass as he slides between my thighs.

I’m so confused. I should tell him to stop. Another slick thrust soaks his shaft with the slickness of my orgasm, sending fireworks throughout my body. Unconsciously easing his way I shift my feet apart, giving him more room to move against me. Then his hand is between us, gripping his cock as he lines himself up with my entrance.

Say no, Ana, I tell myself, but when I part my lips to speak only a soft whimper comes out. I don’t want to tell him no. I want to know what comes next. Before I know it the head of his cock is inside me, just a little bit, stretching me around him. It hurts, but I like it. I can’t help but enjoy the stinging burn as he invades my virgin body making me feel so full of him.

I want to move against him, but he has my hips pinned against the bed under him, legs spread wide to accommodate him. Then he starts to move, his scorching heat working in and out of me, but never pushing in all the way. It’s as if he’s easing my body into accepting him. His hard forearm bands my waist holding me immobile, not that I’m trying to get away. It doesn’t hurt anymore, not really. It’s more like I’m riding an odd edge somewhere in between pain and ecstasy.

My core ripples around his shaft and I hear his deep groan behind me. My nipples pucker inside the smooth satin bodice of my dress as his shallow thrusting drags my torso against the coverlet beneath me. I’m shocked to feel another orgasm coiling deep in my core. I can’t understand why I’m about to get off on being treated this way. I struggle halfheartedly to get away, not sure that’s what I actually want.

“Please stop,” I whisper into the covers. I don’t think I want to do this anymore, but I don’t want him to stop either. I don’t know who I am with this man. He is making me feel bad things. Kinky things I’ve only read about! I know what this is, and I am NOT going to be some mob boss’ submissive little sex doll!

The very thought of it holds a dark allure that terrifies me. I try to push up from the bed, my arms are weak and shaky. I need to slow this train down before it gets any more out of hand. My pitiful struggles seem to inflame him even more and he jerks his hard arm tighter around my waist, pulling my hips back until his pelvis slaps against my ass. His cock tears through my innocence as he thrusts forward hitting something inside me. Something that makes lightning shoot over my skin, centering in the throbbing heat between my legs where he is now hammering into me.

I scream as my fear and pleasure fight each other, my legs thrashing helplessly as a staggering swell of pain and rapture ride through me. My body stiffens with the force of my sudden climax, before going lax in his arms as shivers of ecstasy continue to flow through me.

Behind me, Xavier thrusts again. Once. Twice. Until, with a

primal roar of satisfaction on his lips, his cum explodes inside of me. I can feel the hot, wet pulsing against my cervix as he grinds against me. I collapse in a heap, half of me still hanging off the bed. If he wasn’t still in me, I’m sure I would slide to the floor. Aftershocks shake my body. I have never felt so amazing and so horrible all at once. I squeeze my eyes shut tight, trying to stop the flow overwhelmed tears from leaking out. I just need to think for a minute.

Chapter Two


I fee as if I’m someone else, watching in horror, but the monster inside of me is ruthless and at the moment, totally in control. For an instant, I recall those two months that I ran away when I was 18. The freedom to just be myself. No pressure to “toughen up, to be in control, to not be so soft” from the old man.

That did it… thinking of Father brings the beast out with a roar and I watch my hands as they attack the buttons going up the length of white satin, tearing the smooth fabric and exposing the golden perfection of her back. Hers. Analise. My bride, my love. My payment for a debt.

The monster inside me roars his lust and satisfaction at possessing her after all this time. As much as I know I’m going to hate myself for it, I’m so turned on as I yank her dress up over her narrow hips and tear her pale pink panties off the lightly tanned curve of her ass.

She is perfection. Nothing but fucking perfection. Her thighs are pressed tightly together, her pink pussy bare and peeking out from between them, and I push her feet apart with mine releasing my throbbing erection from my pants and roughly stroking my rigid shaft until beads of precum are glistening at the tip and running over the crown. Leaning forward slightly I use it to mark the inside of her thighs, the sweet curve of her ass, then push between them reveling in the sensation of wet silk caressing my shaft.

She struggles, pressing up on her hands slightly. With a growl, I push her down with a hand in the middle of her exposed back. I focus my eyes there for a moment, my rough hand so large it almost spans her entire back. Her skin is so soft, the softest thing I have ever touched. In moments I'm focused again, staring at where my body is ready to join with hers.
