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“Why do you look so flustered?” Faye’s laughing voice reaches my ears, but I can’t hear Ellie’s reply as the door closes behind them.

I can’t put my finger on what it is about Ellie that draws me to her. I’ve never wanted to be near anyone as much as I want to be around her. It’s more than just her gorgeous face and trim little body, although I’m not complaining about her physical beauty. It’s the aura of sweetness and kindness that clings to her. She radiates goodness and I want it for myself.

I want her, but I’m pretty sure that I terrify her. Gonna have to figure out how to get past that. I really should have set her straight when she assumed that I had the power to get her fired. Even if I could, there is no way in hell that I would ever do anything that would cause her a single moment of stress. In fact, right now the biggest problem on my mind is how to get rid of the douche who is making her miserable at work. I should be thinking about Dominic Cerelli and helping Xavier pin down where he’s hiding. It’s part of what he’s hired Travis and me to do, but every time I catch sight of the petite girl with hair the color of dark chocolate, I have a hard time remembering that.

After watching Faye close the door behind them, I do another walk through of the casino. There are areas that I have already identified as possible security issues, the biggest one being the main housekeeping area. There are doors that lead directly outside, into an alley, and there are always people coming and going. It’s likely to be the easiest area for someone unwanted to gain entry. Travis and I have a plan to make it more secure, but it’s going to take time to implement. New electronic locks that will require an individual code for each employee will be the first thing we set up. I just need to get Xavier’s approval.

When I find myself going back in through the housekeeping area, instead of just going to the street and in through the front doors, which would be quicker, I have to admit to myself that I’m hoping for another glimpse of the girl who’s captured my attention. She isn’t there, of course. That’s no surprise since she’s bound to still be working upstairs. Needing to kill some time, I take a detour through the café. I discovered that fuck, Lawrence, is in charge there too and there’s never a bad time to gather intel.

I can’t stop my grin when I start to slip into an empty seat at the long, wood topped counter and notice Ellie in a corner booth with Ana and Faye. Her delicate hands cradle a steaming mug and there’s a slice of pie on the table in front of her. It’s the first time I’ve seen a genuine smile on her face. She looks happy. It looks good on her. In that instant I know it’s one that I want to see every day. No matter what, I’m going to be the guy who gives her that happiness. There isn’t anything that could make me happier.

I just need to figure out the best way to accomplish it.

Not wanting to intrude on their girl time I turn to leave.

“Elinor, aren’t you supposed to be working somewhere?” The contempt-laced words snap through the room, halting my departure. Turning back, I ease down into the chair at the counter to wait.

“It’s my break time, Lawrence.” The meek tone is back in her voice. The one I hate to hear. The one that illustrates that she believes she’s beneath this man even though he isn’t worthy to breathe the same air as my angel. I hate bullies. Being the new kid every few months as I bounced between foster homes always made me a prime target for them. Once I got big enough, I swore I’d never sit back and let anyone get away with hurting someone just because they can.

“No Elinor, your break was over two minutes ago. Now get back to work before I report you to Margot. You people are so lazy.” He mutters the last under his breath, but I hear him and my loathing for the man increases. The looks of disgust on her friends’ faces say that they heard his slur too.

Ellie rises to her feet, tan cheeks flaming red, murmuring an abashed apology to Ana and Faye. She hurries past me with her eyes locked on the floor. She doesn’t even notice me, or if she does, she pretends she doesn’t. The pain in my knee slows me down, but I catch up to her before she pushes through the doors into housekeeping. Reaching out, I grasp her elbow to stop her forward dash and turn her to face me.

“Are you okay?” My voice is rough, exposing the anger burning in my gut. My need to destroy the weakling who put despair and humiliation on my girl’s face. Yes, my girl. Mine! And I’ll be damned if I’m going to walk away while there are tears glittering in the dark pools of her eyes.

She nods once, sniffling and blinking back her tears.

“What did he mean when he called you lazy?” Not my smoothest move, but I’m rusty when it comes to talking to women, and I hate unanswered questions. Him saying it bothered me because I know what he meant, I just want her to confirm it.

“I...” she hesitates then starts over. “He thinks because I’m Latina that I’m lazy.” She shrugs helplessly, then whispers, “I’m not, he’s just racist.”

A racist who still wants to bang her. I knew he was a piece of shit; I just didn’t realize how much of one.

“It’s obvious to anyone who pays attention that you’re a hard worker, Ellie.” Damn! That sounded a little creepy, didn’t it?

She doesn’t look disturbed by my words though, for the first time she looks squarely into my eyes and smiles. My clumsy words made her happy! I swear my heart stops beating for an endless moment and when it starts again it belongs only to her.

“Thank you.” Sh

e whispers, her dainty fingers reaching out to touch mine. When she realizes what she is doing she pulls back quickly, but not before the feel of her gentle caress is burned into my skin.

“I need to…” she flutters a nervous hand toward the heavy double doors, “get back to work. Thank you, Blake.”

I’m still standing there, replaying her smile and the soft graze of her hand against mine when she pushes through the doors and vanishes from sight. Yep. She’s mine. The only thing I need is a plan.

Chapter Ten


I don’t know why it’s so hard for me to stand up against Loser Larry. He’s a bully and I know that if you let a bully push you around, they won’t stop. It’s even worse because I know that I’m not the only one he does this to. I know that if even one of us would stand up to him the rest would, but everyone is so scared they’ll lose their jobs that they won’t say anything. I need this job. I’ve only been working here for the last year. Before housekeeping I was working part-time at a bookstore and chipping away at classes, working toward my teaching degree.

I’m try not to dwell on it though. It is what it is. I just wish Larry hadn’t chosen today to pick on me. I know that Ana understands, she had to deal with him before she married Mr. Cerelli, but I am just getting to know Faye and it was humiliating being talked to that way. Especially since I hadn’t done anything wrong. Ana and Faye had looked angry on my behalf, but all I could think about was getting away from him which meant getting away from them.

I didn’t expect to turn around to make my escape and discover that Blake had been there to witness the whole thing. Knowing that he saw Lawrence talking to me that way, again, while I said nothing to defend myself makes the entire situation even more distressing. Then he followed me to make sure I was okay. That was so sweet of him. No one has checked on me that way in ages. At home everything is about Lizzie and Auggie, as it should be, and at work I try not to let anyone see that maybe, just maybe, I need someone to ask if I’m okay. Tina’s the only one has ever noticed that I’m not always okay.

I’m too young to feel so defeated by life. Is it too much to ask that, occasionally, I just get to be a normal girl my age?

Ugh! Now I’m just being whiney, and I hate whining. It’s time to get back to work and stop feeling sorry for myself. Everyone knows that Lawrence is a jerk and that his opinion about me doesn’t matter to anyone but him.
