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I’m on bathroom duty again, so I gather up the supplies I need. I don’t have it that bad, despite the rare pity party I throw myself. I have a decent paying job that provides insurance, family and a home. There are so many people who have it so much worse than I do. I shouldn’t complain. At the end of the day I’ll go home to people who love me, and I know the value of that. Not everyone can say that. I’m sure Larry goes home to an empty house. I should remember to keep that in mind the next time he’s being mean to me. It might help me keep perspective, but I doubt it. Being lonely isn’t an adequate reason for being hateful.

He thinks if he pushes hard enough that I’ll sleep with him. That’s not going to happen. Not in a million years. I will quit and work somewhere else first. I’ve already been checking the want ads in the paper, knowing that I might have to make that decision if things don’t improve. This is Vegas, there are always jobs in hotels and casinos and it just so happens that I have experience working in them. I even think Ms. Smith would give me a good recommendation, I just wouldn’t be able to list waitressing on an application because there’s no way to predict what Lawrence might do to mess up any opportunity that comes my way. I’m okay with that. I haven’t enjoyed waitressing all that much, if I’m being honest.

When I push my heavy cart back out into the hall, I’m half-expecting Blake to still be standing there waiting for me. Instead it’s Ana and Faye. Ana’s face is scrunched in a fierce frown. Faye just looks worried.

“Elinor!” she snaps, throwing her hands into the air in frustration. “Why did you run off like that? You know that you gave him just what he was looking for.”

I can’t argue. She’s right. I did give him exactly what he wanted. A reaction. I should have just ignored him. Any reaction feeds his need to intimidate, and by running away I handed all my power over to him. I have no doubt that things are only going to get worse now.

“I know,” my sigh is resigned. “I just didn’t want to sit there while he made a scene in front of the whole café.”

Ana’s giggle takes me by surprise, I didn’t think it was funny, “You wanna hear about Larry making a scene?” she asks, chuckling harder. Faye and I both nod, distracted by her burst of humor.

“Loser Larry was hitting on Heather last night in the lounge,” she starts laughing even harder. “I guess she put him in his place!” Still giggling hard, she suddenly crosses her legs and gasps. “I’ve gotta pee!” she hurries toward the nearest ladies’ room, leaving Faye and me standing in the hall.

“After what I just saw I’m glad someone put that jerk in his place. I’m just not sure why it was so funny,” Faye says, looking at me with a confused expression. I guess she hasn’t met Heather yet.

My own small laugh bubbles out when I think about it, “It’s because he’s, well, you’ve seen him,” I say a little meanly. “Heather is gorgeous. One of those tall girls with a curvy figure and long strawberry blonde hair. You know the type.” She nods, because don’t we all know the type? Perfect.

“So, not the kind of woman who would give him a second look? Ever?” Faye clarifies.

“Not even if she dated men.” I finally burst out with a wholehearted laugh, the humor of it really hitting me as I voice the words. “Her girlfriend is an equally perfect brunette named Julie, and Jules is super territorial about Heather! She gets all up in anyone’s face if she thinks they are looking at her girlfriend wrong. It’s actually kind of sweet.”

Faye sputters, trying to formulate a response. It’s just that funny. It really is.

“Oh, that’s freakin’ amazing! And she told him off in the lounge? In front of a bunch of people I’m guessing?”

“Must have,” I shrug because I don’t know, but I’m absolutely going to ask Heather about it the next time I see her! Together we walk in the direction Ana disappeared. I push my cart ahead of us. I have to clean in there anyway. Might as well get started while I visit with the girls. I have girls! Talk about Amazing.

Ana is walking out into the hall as we approach. “Sorry about that. Someone is standing on my bladder today.” She smiles fondly, rolling her eyes as she pats her round belly. “You wanna know the best thing about the whole Larry/Heather thing?” She asks like our conversation had never been interrupted. Faye and I both giggle at her enthusiasm for her story and say yes at the same time, which makes us all giggle more. It feels so good.

“Blake was there and saw the whole thing! I guess Geno saw it go down from the security cameras and let X know too. X said that Blake had mentioned something about Larry being shitty to the waitresses, so now they are watching him. He won’t be around for much longer.”

“Will they be fitting him with cement shoes and dumping him off of Hoover Dam?” I can’t help but quip.

Faye snorts and covers her mouth with her hand. “Sorry,” she mumbles, “I just had a mental picture…” she doesn’t finish her thought because she is too busy trying to hold back her laughter.

Ana rolls her eyes, “Ha ha. You’re so funny Ellie.” I know I am. I guess I just forgot for a little while. Impulsively I hug my friend.

“I’m so happy you’re home, Ana,” I mumble into her soft blonde hair.

“So am I, Ell.”

“Can I get in on this?” Faye asks, squeezing in between us and wrapping an arm around each of us. “I’m feeling a little left out.” Her words make us all release more peals of laughter and when they finally leave me alone to do my work my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. It’s awesome to have friends. I hadn’t realized how much I had missed goofing off like that. It makes me long

for those days with Lizzie. She had always been my best friend, but since her accident things have been so different... but I’m not going to think about that today.

Chapter Eleven


It’s time to talk to Xavier about Lawrence again. I’ve been giving him time alone with Ana, but what I have to say shouldn’t take long. Taking my cell out of my pocket I tap out a quick text, confirming that he’s in his office today. Considering that I just saw Ana in the café, I know it’s a good bet. His response is almost immediate.

On my way down. Meet me in the lounge in five.

Replying with a quick affirmative I head in that direction, hoping to find an available booth where we can talk without interruption. I’m in luck, and slide into the last open booth just as the server finishes wiping it down.

“Well, hi there, handsome,” she simpers, batting her heavily gooped eyelashes at me. Why do women do that? Both the insane amount of mascara and the rapid blinking. It does nothing for me.
