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“But,” I continue, pretending that there had been no lapse, “you will no longer be supervising female employees without being supervised yourself. In addition, there will be zero tolerance for any attempts at retaliation against anyone who may have spoken out about what they have experienced at your hands.”

He sputters, wanting to argue but knowing better than to push his luck. He knows the gig is up and he’s lucky he isn’t being fired on the spot.

Across the desk from us Xavier reclines slightly in his chair. “The only acceptable answer right now Lawrence,” he says sternly, “Is ‘of course, Mr. Stone,’ unless you would prefer to tender your resignation...”

Lawrence shifts uncomfortably in his chair, his face twisted with distaste as he looks from Xavier to me and back. He doesn’t like his choices. I don’t either. There should be no choice. He should be escorted to his car and banned from the premises.

“Of course, Mr. Stone. Mr. Cerelli.” He finally grinds out between clenched teeth. There is not a doubt in my mind that we will have further problems with this guy. Only time will tell what kind they will be. I look at X, his eyes are suspiciously devoid of emotion. A muscle in his jaw flexes, the only outward sign of his feelings about the situation.

“You are excused, Lawrence. Tina will be available to assist when you have business to conduct with any of the female employees.” X bites out the words in a clipped tone that doesn’t invite any further discussion. Fortunately, the reprimanded man doesn’t have to be told twice and he rises to his feet and hurries from the room, slamming the door behind him with more force than necessary.

“That went well.” I say, my voice serious. I was expecting something… more.

“Could have been worse.” X agrees, turning his chair and stepping out from behind his desk.

“Yeah,” I shrug. If I could somehow go back and get Ellie out of here without being seen I would do it in a heartbeat. I can’t shake the feeling that we haven’t seen the end of Lawrence’s bad behavior, and a bully pushed into a corner is bound to lash out at someone weaker than himself. “I’m going to go check on Ellie.” I need to make sure that she’s all right after her brief encounter with Lawrence in the hall.

“Good idea,” he replies. “I’m going to check on Ana and then go down to the café and make sure that he knows that we’re keeping an eye on him. It’ll be good for the ladies to know that we’re watching and that Tina is available as well.”

I couldn’t agree more. We ride the elevator downstairs in companionable silence and go our separate ways when the doors glide open. I should stop in and advise the security team to keep an eye on Lawrence until we are sure he isn’t going to try to retaliate against anyone. I also think it is a good idea to make sure that the girls we’ve interviewed over the last few days don’t walk to their vehicles alone at the end of their shifts. Geno and Xavier’s buddy Grayson can help arrange that. I don’t trust the guy. He’s going to want to get even and it’s weighing heavily on my mind that Ellie is the only one he can reasonably blame for being reprimanded and losing his position of authority. She’s the only one that he saw for himself leaving X’s office.

Lawrence’s blustering voice is the first thing I hear as I walk past the café. He isn’t propositioning anyone this time, but he is in full bully mode, snapping orders and yelling at everyone in the kitchen. Grinning at the pink-cheeked hostess hovering nervously at her podium, I stride through the café and lean against the wall just inside the kitchen door. Several pairs of eyes dart from Lawrence to me and then back.

“Everything okay in here?” I raise my voice over his so everyone can hear me. The shouting stops immediately, and the irate man rotates to face me.

“Everything is fine here, Stone. Your assistance is not required or wanted,” he bristles at my presence. I can’t help it—I smile.

“I could hear you hollering from the hall,” I explain, struggling not to laugh at his lame attempt to dismiss me. I’m not easily dismissed. “If I could hear you, patrons could too, and I don’t think that is good for business. Yeah?” My less than subtle reminder causes his cheeks to flush with impotent anger.

“Yes, of course. It won’t happen again,” he spits. Behind me, someone snickers, but I don’t acknowledge the sound.

“See that it doesn’t,” I reply, allowing my lips to curl up in a satisfied smile that I know he can see, as I turn to leave.

“Mother fucker,” I hear him mutter behind me. My temper flares. It pisses me off that he would be blaming me for his own bad behavior catching up with him.

Glancing back, I keep my voice cool and professional, “What was that, Larry?”

“Nothing,” he bites, grinding his back teeth in agitation. Nothing could make me happier than the visible display of his frustration. I know that it’s petty of me, but damn, this guy is such a jerk that I can’t help the satisfaction seeing him squirm is giving me. Especially when I recall the shame and the tears on Ellie’s face. Fuck him! Forget what he did to the others, the fact that he chose my girl to abuse is enough reason for me to find every way I can to make him miserable until he either resigns or succeeds in getting himself fired.

I nod, pretending to believe him, even though we both know I heard what he said, and stride back through the dining room. There is a small group of waitresses listening just out of sight, bright smiles on their faces. A couple of them mouth thank you as I pass them, and I lift my chin recognizing their gratitude, but I don’t stop to chat. I need to find Ellie and make sure that she knows not to leave the building without me escorting her to the bus stop. Better yet, without me driving her home. No more bus.

Chapter Fourteen


I cashed my check at the cashier's booth and it’s already burning a hole in my pocket. I’m waiting in the lobby for Blake, just like he asked…umm… told me to. I didn’t want to argue when he tracked me down and offered to walk me out at the end of my shift. I know he’s concerned that Lawrence may decide to mess with me or one of the other girls since he knows that he won’t be getting away with hitting on us anymore. I don’t think a chaperone to the bus stop just outside the doors is necessary, but if it makes him feel better… who am I to argue?

Besides, you won’t hear me complaining about spending a few extra minutes with Blake. He’s always so sweet to me and if I’m being honest, having his attention focused on me makes me feel special. I can’t help it. He’s the handsomest man I’ve ever laid eyes on, and then as if his perfect face wasn’t enough, he’s got that body to go along with it. Tall, but not gigantic, with amazingly wide shoulders that narrow into a lean waist and hips. Heavily muscled thighs. I don’t know what it is about a man with big, strong legs, but they are my weakness. Some women are all about the arm-porn or whatever; give me a pair of thick legs topped with a tight round butt, and I’m toast. Blake has both, and even though I know I shouldn’t be looking, I am every chance I get.

Just thinking about him makes my entire body flush with heat. Tugging at the collar of my dress I look around, shifting impatiently. I need to go before I miss the bus. Already I’m cutting it so close that there is no way that Lawrence could stop me before I have to get on it anyway. If he tried to approach me I would just ignore him and get on the bus. I step through the doors into the late afternoon sunlight squinting toward the bus stop.

“I asked you to wait inside.” Blake

’s voice rumbles in front of me, startling me a bit. I wasn’t expecting him out here.

“I’m going to miss my bus,” I hurry to explain, not wanting him to think I was ignoring his request for no reason. It’s already rumbling to a stop and letting passengers off.

“Not taking the bus today,” he says softly, gently wrapping his big, blunt-tipped fingers around my wrist to keep me from rushing off. “Let me give you a ride home.”
