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“Ellie, are you out here?”

Mama’s voice calling from the kitchen door breaks the spell and we both sigh with regret at being interrupted. He reluctantly releases me, and I even more reluctantly step back.

“Yes, Mama. We’re out here.” I call back, thinking that maybe if she realizes that I’m still with Blake she will give us privacy and maybe he’ll kiss me again, but the spell is broken, much to my disappointment.

Slipping his arm around my shoulders, he pulls me against his side and leads me toward the dim light of the back steps. Mama is standing there waiting, a huge smile on her face.

“Did you enjoy my garden?” she inquires, beaming up at him.

“It’s lovely,” he answers, giving me a little hug before releasing me so I can ascend the steps. Mama leads the way inside.

“Thank you again, for dinner, and a very enjoyable evening, Beatriz.” Mama is charmed by him. I can totally tell. He has the same effect on me too.

“You’re welcome, Blake. Come back anytime.” She tells him, looking back and forth between us. I wonder if she can tell that we have been kissing. The knowing smile on her face says that she can.

“If it’s okay with Ellie, I’ll definitely be back.” He promises her and I nod my acquiescence. I want him to come back. The sooner the better.

“Good then,” Mama says, “It’s settled.”

Blake shuffles nervously, then pulls her into a hug and kisses her cheek. I hear him whisper, “Thank you,” into her hair before releasing her and taking my hand.

“Walk me out?” he asks, winking at me teasingly. Of course, I’m going to walk him out. I’m not about to miss out on one more chance to kiss him before he leaves! Does he think I’m crazy?

“Be right back, Mama,” I tell her, allowing him to lead me by the hand to the front door. We step out onto the front porch and he crushes me against his chest, his lips moving against the crown of my head.

“Thank you for inviting me tonight,” he breathes.

“You’re welcome,” I whisper back, not knowing what else to say.

“I really like you, Elinor Lovell,” he admits before taking my mouth with his again.

It’s a long time before we step away from each other, and I’m able to catch my breath. Cupping his stubbled cheek in my hand I smile into his eyes, letting him see into my heart. “I really like you too, Blake Stone.”

Chapter Seventeen


I don’t think I’ve ever done anything as stupid as leaving Ellie’s house the other night without getting her phone number. Sure, I could get it from her employee file, I do have access, but that seems wrong. I still need to come clean about the night I followed her home and that’s enough of an overreach. It’s been on my mind since I last saw her, held her in my arms and kissed her sweet mouth.

Those kisses were a promise, me pledging to myself and to her that I will always do whatever I can to ease her burdens and make her happy. That means no secrets. I wasn’t ready to talk too much about my past, but I want to open myself up with her. I’ve never wanted to make myself vulnerable that way with anyone. Hell, even Travis doesn’t know everything.

Seeing Ellie’s family together was the first time I can ever recall seeing a family that openly cared about and put each other ahead of himself. In my experience, it was everyone for themselves. I did the best I could to protect the littler kids from the worst foster families and when I lucked into the better ones I didn’t last long because I couldn’t stop myself from stepping up and doing the same in school, and nice families don’t want to foster a troublemaker.

She hasn’t been to work since then. I’ve been watching for her but haven’t wanted to draw attention to my interest in her by asking about where she has been. She was supposed to be here, I found reasons to pass through housekeeping to check the schedules to make sure I wasn’t just missing her somehow. The black line drawn through her name for the last three days assured me that wasn’t the case. Something is wrong. After stopping in the café and talking to Tina I know that her absence doesn’t have anything to do with Lawrence, at least. That’s why I’m on my way up to Xavier’s penthouse looking for Ana. I know that they are close, so maybe she knows where she is.

Taking advantage of the brief elevator ride I check my texts. Well shit! Travis sent a message half an hour ago when I was snooping through housekeeping letting me know to meet everyone at the diner for brunch. Could have saved myself a few minutes if I had checked it sooner. Everyone being together should make getting information about Ellie easier. I won’t have to be obvious about inquiring, hell, I may not have to ask at all.

When the doors slide open, I jab the button and head back the way I came, stepping into the already bustling casino and striding across the floor to the café. They are easy to find. Travis and Xavier are both big enough to stand out in any gathering, but it’s the girls who catch my attention first. More specifically their laughter cutting across the din of the crowded eatery. Waving for the hostess to stay where she is, I weave through the tables and slide into the big curved booth.

Everyone scoots over, making room for me as a harried looking waitress rushes over with an extra menu and a carafe of coffee, filling my cup. I smile my thanks and quickly order a veggie omelet with a side of bacon and sourdough toast before she leaves, then settle back to see what’s going on. This is the first time that I have been invited to a couple’s breakfast, so there must be something they want to talk to me about.

I’m wrong, it’s not a couple’s breakfast. X and Trav are talking business. That’s why I’m here. Xavier has asked us to stay on and assist but Travis and I had been discussing making the move permanent. It sounds like that is the main reason for us all being here this morning.

“Blake and I talked about it. We’re moving K&S headquarters to Vegas.” Travis says, shoveling a bite of crispy hash browns into his mouth. I can’t help my smirk; he’s going to have to run later for eating all those carbs. His words bring a sense of rightness. Moving here is going to be good for us, personally as well as professionally. Ellie thinks I don’t know that she is worried about me leaving, but reading people is part of my job, and her eyes say everything she doesn’t speak out loud. Like the way she checked my hand for evidence of a ring last night at dinner. Yeah, I saw that and knew exactly what was running through her mind.

“We’ll need a temporary space to work from. Is that something you can help us with?” I ask Xavier, sipping my coffee and listening with half an ear to Ana and Faye talking quietly across the table from me.

Xavier nods thoughtfully, “There are some office spaces upstairs by mine that you are welcome to use. They’re empty anyway.”
