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Daring drew another lazy puff from his cheroot. “The Den of Sins isn’t just a gaming hell. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. It’s too easy for the Earl of Gold to be discovered as the owner of such a place. Our success is born from our brotherhood and our anonymity. You need to make yourself not just rich, but a pillar of our community. You need to create a veil between the true you and the man that society sees.”

Logan frowned. Perhaps that was why society despised him. Because he was honest in his pursuit of money. Would he actually be more successful if he were less direct? The idea held interest. “This letter is addressed to you. She wants your help.” But Logan was fairly certain he knew what the duke was about to say as dread pooled in his stomach. Logan didn’t do charity. People either sank or swam. Life was that simple.

“Help her,” Daring answered. “And find three partners and the club is yours.”

Logan’s fist dug into his thigh, he didn’t even bother to hide it. “And how do I know you’ll keep your word?”

Daring gave him a grin. “Oh, I’ve got a contract before our contract. You keep up your end of the bargain and I’ll keep up mine.”

His fist relaxed. Many of Daring’s points held merit that Logan wouldn’t mind exploring. If he could gain favor in the ton, would he be even more successful than he’d been?

To find out he only needed to help one little do-gooder start up an orphanage.

He could do that. No problem. Easy.

The Den of Sins would be his.
