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“Could’ve fooled me with this morning’s introduction.”

“Well, it doesn’t hurt to be accepted.” He grins. “But seriously, it’s fine if I don’t. RES is only a stop on my way to Cambridge.”

My jaw nearly drops to the floor. “Mine, too.”

“You’re going to Cambridge?”

I nod several times.

He offers me a scone and takes a bite of his own. “I knew we had things in common.”

It feels kind of warm to meet someone who’s using RES as much as I am to get to our dream university.

“There you are.”

My smile drops and a tremor shoots down my spine and straight to my chest.

No matter how much I try to erase his voice from my memory, it’s still engraved deep within like a curse.

I can recognise that slight huskiness at the end and the deep tenor even with the music.

Aiden wraps an arm around my waist from behind and pulls me to his side.

He might as well have wrapped a noose around my throat.

My lower lip trembles with frustration as I stare up at him. Just like in the classroom, he appears calm. Nonchalant, even.

He’s wearing dark jeans and a grey T-shirt that brings out the colour of his eyes. Like the other horsemen, he’s also wearing Elites royal blue jacket with the Lion-Shield-Crown logo on the pocket.

It’s almost like he’s making a statement.

No. Not ‘almost’ like. He’s certainly making a statement. Aiden’s moves are always calculated to a T.

That doesn’t mean he gets to touch me so casually as if nothing happened.

I bite my lower lip to stop the profanities from spilling. Instead, I elbow his side. He doesn’t even budge. It’s as if he doesn’t feel — or if he does, then he doesn’t care.

“Van Doren, right?” Aiden smiles and offers his hand. “Aiden King. It’s nice to meet you.”

What the…?

Is Aiden shaking hands with Knox right now? I think I heard him say that it’s nice to meet Knox.

No. He couldn’t have figured out my plan.

I meant to throw him off by coming with Knox. Instead, I’m the one thrown completely out of my element.

Knox shakes Aiden’s hand with a smile. “Same. It’s kind of hard not to hear about you around here.”

“Hmm.” Aiden’s smile doesn’t falter, if anything, it widens. “Then you must’ve heard that Elsa is mine.”

My eyes widen. “I’m not —”

“I don’t react well to anyone who threatens what’s mine.” Aiden cuts me off. “If you understand that, welcome to RES.”

“I told you that I’m not —” Words die in my throat when Aiden’s lips slam to mine.

He grabs my jaw with harsh fingers and squeezes hard. He’s trying to make me open my mouth.
