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“How about a restaurant?”

“My place. Six. Don’t be late.”

“Is this really necessary, Sasha? You’re right here. I’m here. We can go into one of my conference rooms if you feel more comfortable. I don’t see the need to drag this out. Say what you came to say and let’s move on.”

“Move on?” She points a finger in my face, almost hissing. “You’ve embarrassed me for the last time. Tonight. Six o’clock.”

Without another word, she turns on her heel and stalks away, leaving the stench of her perfume in the air.

I text Bizzy on the way up to my office, briefly explaining the encounter, and telling her I’ll be home later than expected. I know she’ll want to discuss it, but with her mom at her apartment, it’s not the right time.

I breeze into my office, giving Gail a half wave as I pass. She’s on the phone and shakes her finger at me in a disapproving way, which is unusual considering she has no idea of my morning so far. My phone dings for the hundredth time, but I ignore it, knowing in about five minutes, I’ll be immersed in a shitload of work.

Once I remove my jacket and sit down, Gail rushes in with a stern look on her face.

“Are you ignoring your emails?”

“No, I’ve been busy. My morning went to shit about ten minutes ago. Sasha was downstairs waiting for me. I guess my ignoring her yesterday in the suite wasn’t enough to dissuade her. She insists we meet tonight at her place. Looks like the peace is over.”

“I take it she’s seen the news?”

“Not sure which outlet she saw. Could have been the fact that Bizzy jumped in Nick’s arms, flashing her ring to the entire world.”

“It’s a hard ring to miss.”

I smirk at the small joke.

“Regardless, we need to get to work. Can you get PR up here by ten? I need them to field and vet the requests and see which ones we’ll work with. Also, I instructed Nick to refer all calls to the office.”

“Consider it done. I’ve also cleared out most of the emails with generic responses. The ones left are your personal messages from clients and vendors.”


“Shaw, I didn’t get a chance to tell you yesterday, but I’m very happy for you and Lizbeth. You’re perfect together and you both deserve a lifetime of happiness.”

“That means a lot,” I tell her sincerely.

“Sasha’s going to be upset, but it’s time everyone acts like adults. Don’t let her put a black cloud over your engagement.”

“She’s not. I’ve finally found a balance of my love for Bizzy and my son. Sasha doesn’t factor into that anymore. I caved to her in weakness but never again.”

“Well then, I think I’ve said enough.” She leaves, shutting the door behind her and giving me an approving smile through the glass.

I set up my computer and get to work, completely forgetting about Sasha.

When there’s no answer after the second time I knock, I feel a small sense of relief. Maybe she is stuck at work and didn’t text to let me know just to be a bitch. Either way, I’m glad to be off the hook.

I decide to leave as the door cracks behind me. My heart falls to my feet when my eyes land on her. She’s outdone herself, even more than usual. Her hair and make-up are flawless, and the silk dress she’s wearing screams seduction.

“What’s going on?” Instantly, I’m suspicious.

“Come in.” She steps aside and motions for me to enter.

My suspicions hit red alert levels when I notice a few candles lit around her living room.

“What’s going on?” I repeat, turning to her. Before I can stop her, she grabs my hand and places it on the lower half of her stomach.

My son chooses that second to kick, and I step closer, willing him to do it again. I’m so lost in the moment, I’m caught off-guard when Sasha’s lips land on mine, her free hand fisting in my hair.

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