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We pull apart when Quinn taps us on the shoulder and clears her throat loudly. She smiles at both of us and we clink glasses, downing the champagne in one gulp.

“Okay, now it’s time to party.” She raises her arms in the air and motions to the waitress, who is carrying a tray of shots.

“Babe? How long do we need to stay? I’d like to have a private celebration.” Bryce murmurs.

“I can’t leave Quinn. Never leave a woman behind.”

“She’s primed to go. We could be here all night.”

“I’ll give her a curfew. Can you handle a few hours?

“You gonna dance with me?”


“Then yeah, I can deal. We’ll find a way for you to make it up to me.”

“Where are you staying?”

A sly grin slides across his face. “Same hotel, one floor up. As soon as we get back tonight, I want you moving your stuff into my room.”


His smile widens and he leans in close, “No parents in the house with us, no sneaking out early in the morning, you and me with no interruptions. How does that sound?”

Desire floods my body and when our gazes meet, he sees it. His hands reaches for mine and leads me to the crowded dance floor.

Chapter 6

Sunshine warms my face and I crack open one eye, blinded by brightness. Swift movement shakes the bed slightly and then the room is bathed in darkness again. Strong arms slide around my waist and Bryce situates himself against my back. His breathing evens out indicating he’s fallen back asleep.

My mind replays through the events of last night. We finally talked Quinn into leaving around two am. Bryce helped pack my bags and I followed him to his room. Once we got here, I changed into my pajamas, washed my face and gave myself a pep talk. Bryce hadn’t pressured me at all, but anticipation burned through me. I’m not entirely inexperienced, but I also don’t have a great track record—hence the loser list.

When I walked out of the bathroom, Bryce had changed into athletic shorts and was waiting for me on the balcony. I gasped at the sight of him. It had been a long time since I’d seen him shirtless, but nothing could have prepared me. Moonlight spread across the small space, allowing me to see every ridge and plane that contoured his stomach, chest and shoulders. His biceps bulged as he braced himself against the railing.

“Hi,” my voice was barely audible.

His eyes raked over my simple shorts and ta

nk and he pushed back stalking to me.

“Hi yourself.”

Without asking, I ran my hands over every inch of exposed skin, stopping at his waist. His breath hitched a few times but he never stopped me. His hand cupped under my chin and he lifted my face to his, kissing me sweetly and softly. After a few minutes, he sat us down facing the ocean. I leaned into him, settling my head against his chest, listening to the beat of his heart. When I fell asleep, he brought me to bed and tucked me in tight, joining me a few minutes later and pulling me close.

I slept soundly until that sliver of light hit me this morning. Quietly rolling away from him, I go to the bathroom. Once my teeth are brushed and face washed, I check my phone for any missed calls or messages. My parents sent a quick note saying Happy New Year’s but nothing else.

When I open the bathroom door, Bryce is propped on the pillows with his hands linked behind his head. His eyes rake over me causing a shudder. We look at each other for a minute before I make my way back to the bed and curl into him, settling in the crevice of his shoulder. My lips touch his neck and I nip lightly before wrapping my arms around him.

“Good morning.”



“Look at me.”

I look into his deep blue eyes, which have turned the shade of sapphire and all my nerves relax. We both smile before he kisses me lightly and moves me on top of him. There’s no way to ignore the bulge that hits my hip and I roll into him.
