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6 1/2 Months Later

“Honey, wake up.” Raven whispers in my ear.

“No, we just went to sleep. Even I need a little down time.”

“I don’t want sex you idiot, I think my water broke.”

That jolts me awake, and I kni

fe up to see her standing next to the bed fully dressed. Her bag is by the door, and she’s holding clothes out to me. Even in my sleepy state she’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Pregnancy agrees with my girl.

“What?” I grab the clothes from her and start dressing.

“Either that or I peed all over myself. The doctor on call told me to meet her at the hospital.”

“But, you’re not scheduled for the C-section for two weeks!” Panic sets in. “Are you okay? Are you hurting?”

“Yes and no, I have some slight cramping but nothing severe yet. We need to go.”

“How are you so calm?”

“Declan can we talk about this another time, we need to go now!”

There’s a flash of pain in her eyes, and she grabs her stomach. My heart leaps in my chest, and I get my keys and phone. Without hesitation, I pick her up; rushing through the house, trying not to trip over boxes we’ve yet to unpack, I get her to my truck and buckle her in. I run back and grab her bag and throw it in the back seat.

“Owww,” she moans beside me.

“Hold on baby, I’ll get us there in a minute.”

She reaches for my hand as I drive like a bat out of hell towards the hospital. I pull up at the emergency entrance and run around to her side of the car. She tries to argue, but I carry her straight to the registration desk. The lady behind the desk assesses our situation and recognizes me immediately. She gets a wheelchair and orders someone to take Raven to Labor & Delivery.

“Baby, go get my bag. There’s no doubt in my mind these babies are coming soon.”

I really don’t want to leave her, but a nurse comes up and says she needs to check her out, so I kiss her quickly and run back to move the truck.

When I get back, they have moved her to a room, and the doctor is talking to her. A nurse is hooking her up to a machine, and her face is filled with fear.

“What’s going on?” I ask moving to her side and pulling her shoulders into mine.

“I was telling Raven, what to expect. We’re going to take her back to the OR first and get her prepped. You need to change into scrubs and a nurse will come get you. The babies are at thirty six weeks so the chance of complications is small, but I’ll have a NICU team in place. There will be a lot of people in the room so don’t be surprised.”

Raven hisses beside me and squeezes my hand so hard I worry about a broken bone. “Declan, I need you to call our parents. Then get the camera out of my bag.”

She’s thinking a lot straighter than I am right now. Always my organizer.

“I’ll take care of it. Can you give her something for the pain?” I ask the doctor whose typing something into the monitor by the bed.

“Yes, she’ll be given several things as soon as we get her in the OR. Someone should be back in a few minutes to take her back. Good luck you two, not too long and you’ll be parents.” She says walking out.

Anxiety fills my body. Holy shit! This is really happening. I look at Raven and her expression mirrors mine. We’ve talked about this moment for months after we found out she would have a C-section, but it just turned real. The anxiety is replaced with excitement quickly.

“It’s time.”

“Yeah, it is.” She reaches up to me, and I hold her tight. A nurse comes in and hands me a pair of scrubs and tells us they’re ready for Raven.

I don’t care that we have an audience; I lower down and cover Raven’s lips with my own. Like the first time, a volt of electricity shoots through me. Our tongues dance together in rhythm. both of us lost in the kiss. She pulls back first and smiles at me so sweetly, my heart swells.
