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The tension is thick and I can tell something is wrong.

“He feels really bad. They all do. You weren’t here this summer. It was awful. You need to forgive them and go back to the way it was. Let them stop by.” Charlie pleads.

“Charlie, I’m not ready yet. It’s not that I don’t forgive them, but I’ve got a lot going on right now and I’m not ready to see them and play nice.”

“Rave, he means a lot to me and I need you two to get along.”

“Give me some time. I just got home.”

“He and the rest of the guys have been texting all night. Like it or not, they’re not going away.” Her voice is raised, and the guys in the other room crowd around to see what’s going on.

Kendall, Harper, and Ella are standing to the side.

“Charlie, let’s drop it for tonight. Declan already told me tonight’s not a good night. Maybe we can–” Abbi is interrupted.

“No! I’m not going to drop it. When does fucking Declan get to make all the decisions? Just because Raven forgave him and jumped back into his arms? What about her friends? Where the fuck is Finn–huh? Did Declan ban him because he was jealous about Paris? Get the fuck over it. He’s a part of your life. Don’t tell me it was his choice to spend the night with his parents and not his friends.”

Whoa! What the fuck is wrong with her?

There’s a collective hiss around the room, and it falls silent. Raven sobs, and Robbie and I both go to her. I know now that no one but Raven, Finn, Robbie, and me know the whole story. Charlie has no idea what she said would break Raven. My rage fills me, but Raven is more important right now.

“Charlie, I suggest you stop right now before you say something you regret. Go to bed and sleep off whatever shit you’re spewing. Tomorrow you can talk more.” Robbie says to her.

“What the fuck is going on? All I asked was for her to forgive my boyfriend and let him come celebrate with us. Then I mention our good friend, who’s suspiciously missing, and all the sudden I’m the bad guy. We all know Declan is jealous of Finn.”

Something in me snaps, and I turn my attention to her trying to calm my anger, but it’s not working. “Listen here, bitch, you need to learn to keep your mouth shut. Blake knew tonight wasn’t his chance to apologize, we discussed it. I’ve seen you drunk texting him all night, so you probably brought it up. As for Finn, I owe that man more than I can ever repay him. He’s the sole reason Raven is with me tonight. Am I jealous? Fuck yes because I know Finn’s a better man than me. But as for why he’s not here–you want to know why? Because he stayed in Paris to work and do a semester abroad, and it broke Raven’s fucking heart to leave him there. So you want to know what the fuck is going on–that’s it.”

The room stays silent for a few seconds until Raven starts shaking again. I pick her up and take her through the crowd of people to her room. I lay her down on her bed and hold her close until she calms down, and her breathing slows down. There are voices in the other room, and it sounds like Charlie is crying, but I don’t care. It’ll be a cold day in hell she ever talks like that to Raven again.

I grab my phone out of my pocket and shoot off a text to Blake

Me: where are you?

B: Around the corner. Waiting on permission to come in.

Me: Come get your drunk girlfriend who just ruined the whole fucking night. Don’t come in this house right now. I will have Abbi take her to the front porch.

B: What the fuck happened?

Me: Long story but get her out of here.

Then I send a message to Abbi to meet Blake on the front porch with Charlie.

I hear the front door open and close and then a knock on Raven’s door. Robbie opens slightly to check and see if it’s safe. When he sees her asleep on my chest, he walks over and sits on the end of the bed.

“Not sure I approve of you calling Charlie a bitch, but I liked the other stuff you said. I know Raven’s suffering in her own way, and Charlie had no right to say those things. As for Finn being a better man, you’re wrong. He’s one of the best men I know, but he’s not whom Raven fell in love with. Maybe if you weren’t ever in the picture they would have connected, but it’s too late now. Please don’t fuck up again, this time, I really will have to beat your ass.”

“I don’t plan on ever letting her d

own again. To be honest, we both suffered for no reason. It was my lack of communication and her unwavering support of Sayge that caused this heartache.”

“In all honesty, Declan, I know your band is going to succeed. You have what it takes, and your sound is in demand. But please take into account what the fame will do to a relationship. The travel, the shows, the temptation, it’s all going to be there.”

“I know, but Robbie, I’ve never loved anything like I love your sister. Not even my music. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it’s true.”

“Okay, man, next time I’ll bring tea and we can talk about our periods.” He shoves my shoulder and gets up to leave.

“Hey, Robbie?”

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