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“We’re closed!” I call out, still trying to balance the boxes in my arms. I can barely see over the pile. “Sorry, but you’ll have to come back tomorrow,” I announce as I step back out to the shop floor. But there’s no one there, and I look around puzzled. Maybe the bell was my imagination?

I head over to the specialty licorice rack before dropping the boxes on the ground before me. Then, I grab a big handful of the spicy black strips and get up on my tippy-toes, trying to to re-fill the top bin when suddenly, the room goes pitch dark.

What the hell? Are we having a power outage? I frown. I’m going to have to tell Sansa tomorrow that the circuit breaker is acting up again.

But before I can do anything, a gloved hand clasps tightly over my mouth, and I let out a muffled shriek before kicking furiously. The licorice boxes go crashing onto the floor, but my struggle does no good.

“Quiet, bitch, or you’re going to get it,” a man rasps angrily in my ear. Ignoring his orders, I begin wildly pulling at his hand with both of mine, trying my hardest to break his grip, but it doesn’t make a difference. He must be at least a hundred pounds more than me, and a foot taller too. He’s burly and menacing, and fear makes me freeze.

“Stop struggling, or I’ll rip your head off,” the man hisses into my ear again. But I’ve never been one to give up without a fight. I have no idea what this man wants with me, but I’m sure it can’t be good, and my number one priority is to get away. As a result, I scream and stomp my foot down as hard as I possibly can, squashing his toes underneath my own. A bellow sounds in my ear, but the man doesn’t release his hold on me.

“You bitch!” he screams, apparently losing his desire to remain quiet. “You’ve done it now!” he shrieks. He frees the hand around my waist to reach for something, and I pray it’s not a gun.

I inhale to start screaming once more, but all of a sudden, the man’s fingers are inside of my mouth, making me choke. It all happens so fast. A large, cold rubber ball is forced between my lips, and before I know it, my attacker’s tied the gag behind my neck and has secured both of my wrists behind me. Then, grabbing my arm, he begins dragging me to the back room. I try to resist, but my worn-out sneakers squeak and shuffle as I’m hauled out of sight.

As I’m shoved and pushed across the room, my eyes catch a glimpse of a second man standing near the front door. He’s wearing all black, and he too is huge. There’s a ski mask obscuring his features, and he has a canvas bag tossed over one shoulder. Suddenly, I realize this must be a robbery. The burglars probably thought I was already gone for the night, and I startled them in the middle of their heist.

But I’m afraid of what could happen to me, now that they have me bound. The first burglar throws me into the back room and shuts the door, with him still inside. Uh oh. Why isn’t he leaving? He could just lock me in here and then be gone, and yet he’s glaring at me with venom in those yellow eyes.

“No, don’t. I’m pregnant,” I manage to say around the ball gag. “Don’t hurt me, please!” My words unfortunately are no more than a muffled, hopeless plea, and I’m not even sure he can understand. But then the man grins, revealing a mouthful of missing teeth.

“You’re pregnant, huh?” he hisses, those yellow eyes flashing with evil. “Good, because I like my women pregnant when I fuck them. It feels even better that way.”

What? Oh no, oh no! But the man reaches forward and literally rips my apron off. Then he tears off my shirt and skirt, until I’m wearing nothing but the tiniest bra and panties. But those are gone too in mere seconds, and suddenly, I’m nude before my attacker.

“Fuck, you’re gorgeous,” he hisses, his pupils dilating as he looks at my heaving breasts and creamy thighs. “This is going to be so fucking delicious.”

I run to the corner of the room then, trying to put as much distance as possible between us, but there’s nowhere to go. My attacker stalks forward, licking his lips like a snake.

“Come on, pretty girl,” he coos. “Don’t you want this?”

Then, the man pulls out a roll of duct tape and I realize he’s going to bind me somehow. I kick, scream, and violently toss my body every which way, but it’s no use. The man throws me like a rag doll into a chair, and circles the duct tape around my body, securing my upper torso to the wooden frame.
