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I'll get used to it. It's totally worth it for this experience.

I scan the numbers on the doors. My heart jumps and I smile instantly as soon as I see my new apartment. Dropping my bags, I grab the doorknob and jiggle it. It's already unlocked, so I push the door open. Betty got here yesterday. I can't wait to finally meet her face to face.

“Hello,” I call out as I shuffle inside, dragging one bag and pushing the other inside with my foot. “What a long fli—” I cut myself off as I stand in surprise.

There’s a boy, no, not a boy—a man, standing in the living room shirtless. His back is to me, and it's cut in a million different directions with thick muscles and deep grooves. He's wearing gray jogging pants, his ass is round, firm, and clenches tightly as he turns around.

The air in my lungs gets shocked out. Holy shit, this guy is hot. . .

Jet black hair, short on the sides and tousled on top. His skin is glistening like he just finished working out. My eyes run down his body. His chest is muscular with steppingstones for abs. I think I count eight, and then do a recount. Yup, this guy has a damn eight pack.

As my eyes drift over the ink painting a sleeve on his left arm, my jaw drops open as I spot his perfectly outlined cock. Thank God for whoever created gray sweatpants.

He smirks slightly, his big blue eyes bright as the ocean. They're striking, a stark contrast to his dark hair and bronze skin. I blush instantly as my eyes connect with his. The blood heats my cheeks and I glance away quickly.

My heart is racing, and I'm temporarily frozen in place. Then it hits me. This man doesn't belong here. It should be Betty. Who the hell is this?

Everything around me starts to sway as my brain drums up all kinds of terrible reasons for this stranger being here right now.

He's a home invader.

He's like the Craig's List killer.

He's here to hurt me.

“HEL—” I start to scream for help, but before I can get the scream to full blast, he launches forward and throws his hand over my mouth.

Despite the adrenaline running through my veins, and my stomach flipping upside down with fear, his cologne swirls around me, stealing my senses. Sandalwood and citrus. He smells incredible.

The man pulls me further inside, and slams the door shut with a kick of his foot. “Shh,” he says, his hand tightly clasped over my mouth. “Calm down. You're Anna, right? I'm Dash, Betty's brother. You don't need to scream, just relax. I'm not some crazy intruder.”

My breathing is heavy and labored as I digest what he's saying. With wide eyes, I mumble into his hand. “Her brother?” I ask, my words muffled by his palm.

“Yes. Can I remove my hand now?” His voice is husky and thick. Smooth as whiskey and sharp as vodka, but soothing enough that I trust what he's telling me.

He's holding me tightly, his arm around my chest and hand over my mouth, pulling me in against his chest. His muscles bulge and pop against my back, shifting my emotions from fear to lust.

I nod yes.

Today is a day where I've experienced a lot of firsts. First time flying. First time in a taxi. First time in a big city. First time living away from home.

And my first time wrapped in the arms of a guy built like a Greek god.

Coming from a small town has its downside. One of them being the guys I had to choose from had all been my friends since we were little kids. Because of that fact, I'm a virgin. I was never attracted to any of those boys.

But this man, this man is making my body do things it just shouldn't. My heart is fluttering at a million beats per second. My blood is running hot, so hot I'm sure my cheeks are red as radishes. Every inch of my skin is tingling, and my panties are damp. I'm breathing heavy, and it's not because I'm afraid anymore, it's because of him.

“Good,” he says, pulling his hand away.

I turn around to face him. “Her brother?” I ask again.

“Yeah, like I said, my name is Dash.” He takes a step back and holds out his hand.

I shake it. “Anna Derry.”

“Right, Anna Derry, my sister's online roomie. Where you from again?”

“Shouldn't I be asking you the questions? I mean this is my new place.”

“And it's also my sister's, which inherently makes it mine while I'm here.” He smirks, crossing his arms over his chest. His pecs flare and his abs clench.

My body goes crazy again. Heart jumping into my throat and my mouth salivating. I have to look away. I'm afraid if I don't, my body is going to burst into flames.
