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The sound of a loud beep rouses me awake. I sit up quickly and lash out to strike the alarm on the nightstand that isn't going off. It's not the alarm making that noise, it's a car on the street below.

It's seven in the morning, the sun is shining bright through the open windows. From up here, it almost feels like home—almost. I climb out of bed and walk to the window. Looking out straight, the bright blue sky, the thick puffy clouds rolling by, and with the sun still rising over the horizon, I can see Kentucky. But that's where my old life ends, with this view.

I drop my eyes down, finding my new life in the busy morning street. It's a totally different world. With my forehead pressed to the glass, cars and buses are coming and going in both directions, people are moving like working bees, zipping by on bikes, and walking with their phones glued to their ears.

A sliver of fear mixes with excitement. This is nothing like my life before. Everything is moving, constantly making noise with no down time. I'm afraid I won't like this new place, and I'll want to escape back home. In the same breath, I'm excited to explore. To be in the middle of the belly of a place. To hear all the sounds and immerse myself in every aspect.

I need a shower.

I open my suitcase and shuffle through until I find a nice halter top sundress. I poke my head out the door, and see that Dash is nowhere in sight. I'm not sure if he's here or if he left for work. I don't have any clue what his schedule looks like, or if he works at all. For all I know he's going to be a couch ornament until Betty gets here.

I tip toe to the bathroom with everything I need. My clothes, shoes, blow dryer, and small pouch of makeup are tucked under my arm. The apartment is pretty quiet, except for the subtle hum of the fridge.

The bathroom is simple. Celery green walls with seashell decorations, and no window. There's a single pedestal sink and a wicker cupboard over the toilet. I set my stuff down on the toilet seat, and take a towel out of the cupboard.

After a nice hot shower, I change and do my hair and makeup. My plans for the day are to walk around the city and take it all in.

I open the door with my stuff in my arms and stop in my tracks. Dash is leaning against the counter in the kitchen. He's wearing dark blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and a baseball cap with a giant B in the center.

“You finally ready?” he asks.

“Ready for what?”

“For your tour of the city.” He holds out his arms and smiles. “Welcome to Boston, I'm Dash Carter and I'll be your tour guide today.”

“Wait, what? I didn't—”

“Ask me? I know, my sister did. So, here I am.” He looks down at his phone and pulls the keys from his pocket. “Let's go, I know this great coffee shop up on Newbury Street.”

“I have no idea where Newbury Street is.”

“I know, and that's why I'm here. You're going to know this city inside and out by the time I'm done with you.” He opens the door and fans his arm for me to pass through.

I look him up and down again. Taking in the casual, but oh so sexy look he has going on. I'm doomed. I can feel it. This man looks good in anything he puts on his body.

Lord help me, I think to myself as I smile and go into the hall. At least he's not wearing gray sweatpants.

Dash locks up the apartment. I start for the stairs. “Where are you going?” he asks.

“The stairs.” I point and arch a brow.

“Or we can just take the elevator.”

“There's an elevator?”

He chuckles and jerks his head for me to follow him. “You're in the city now, where being innovative is also a bit lazy.” We walk around the corner, and there it is.

“I wish I had known that yesterday.”

“Well, now you know.” He pulls the metal doors open using the thick leather strap and spreads the iron cage doors apart. “After you.”

“So, this is what you call an elevator? It looks more like a death trap. You sure this thing is safe?”

“No, but it's been here since the building was built, so I'm assuming it is.”

“That's reassuring.”

I step into the box, and he shuts us in. Dash pushes the giant red button on the wall and the elevator clunks and jerks, almost throwing me off my feet.

“Holy shit,” I say, reaching out and grabbing his arm instinctively. I needed something sturdy, and he's right here. It only makes sense.

He grins and places his hand over mine. “Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you.”
