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I rolled over onto my back, throwing my arms behind my head, and stared at the closed bathroom door as she did her business.

After the toilet flushed, I heard the sink go on and off, then she was back, hurrying toward the bed.

I grinned when she all but dove into the bed with me, choosing to crawl right up my body instead of returning to her previous position that I’d woken her from not even moments before.

I pulled the blanket up over the both of us, and then growled when she stayed for a whole two seconds before she got out of the bed.

“Why am I naked?” she asked as she moved.

“I divested you of my shirt last night when I came to bed,” I explained. “Where the hell are you going?” I asked as she disappeared into the main part of the house.

Last night she’d been exhausted.

She hadn’t so much as twitched when I’d pulled the shirt off of her lithe, sexy body.

Nor had she twitched when I’d pulled her into my arms and fallen asleep.

Now that she was awake and didn’t have to pee, she was pressing herself against me, and I hadn’t gotten my fix of Blaise Mackenzie in at least twenty-four hours.

Yesterday had been… bad.

Needless to say, when I’d gotten home, she’d immediately told me about seeing Ames at her mailbox.

She’d then told me about the rest of her day and I just knew that she needed a distraction.

So I took her on a ride through the back roads of Souls Chapel.

Which was how we’d ended up looking at real estate that was for sale.

Which then had gone further into the night when we’d gotten up to look up all of the houses that we’d seen in person online so we would know their prices.

Which then led to arguments on what we could afford, who was paying mortgage payments, and then leading to whether the baby would be going to daycare or not.

Blaise came back into the bedroom a couple of minutes later, but instead of still being in my shirt like she’d been in when she’d gone in there, she was wearing a sports bra and a thong. She was also yanking up a pair of tight compression pants that made her ass look like a dream.

“What are you doing?” I grumbled.

She grinned at me. “I thought you wanted to network at the gyms today?”

I had.

I had a case of a married woman that thought that her husband was embezzling money from their place of business—a CrossFit gym that was prominent in the area.

“That was yesterday,” I grumbled. “Before I woke to you naked in my bed.”

She rolled her eyes, then went to the closet where she’d yet to unpack her boxes, and yanked out a t-shirt.

“Come on,” she urged. “I’ll go with you. You can tell everyone that we’re pregnant as fuck, and then use me to hang around afterward and talk. Ask about the town and shit since we’re ‘new.’”

I reluctantly found it to be a great idea.

Too bad her idea meant that I wouldn’t be getting my early-morning snack.

I.e. her.

“Fine,” I grumbled, forcing myself to get out of bed and head to the bathroom where I, too, got changed and ready to go.

Like her, I’d set my clothes out the night before in hopes that it would help when I’d had to pull myself out of bed.

From what the wife had said, the man that owned the gym only taught one class a day—the early morning one.

Which also meant that if I wanted to talk to him at all, I would need to get up early and get there.

Needless to say, I had no problem at all getting up early. What I did have a problem doing was getting up early and working out all before I’d had coffee—which made me sick to my stomach if I had it before a workout.

When I came out of the bedroom twenty minutes later, Blaise was looking bright-eyed and happy with Sarge leaning against her, the cat in her arms, and sipping on a cup of coffee that I knew she’d made for me.

“As much as I appreciate the thought,” I said, “I don’t do coffee before a workout. If I do, I’ll puke.”

Her brows rose. “Really?”

“Really,” I confirmed.

She went to the sink and poured the coffee into a Yeti cup and then fit the lid on top. “It’ll be good in this for an hour or two.”

With that she gestured at the door. “Come on. We’re going to be late.”

I scrubbed my hands down my face, and then walked out the door with her at my side.

Just as we breached the front door, the lights outside flickered, causing her to curse.

“Get the salt!” she muttered underneath her breath.

“What?” I asked as I pulled out the keys for my truck.
