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“I don’t know what you have against me,” Sin said. “I pulled a fuckin’ grenade off of your body and saved your fuckin’ life. The least you could do is not be a complete dick to me when you don’t know my side of the goddamn story.”

I had a feeling that this was going to deteriorate. Fast.

“Fuck you,” Sin growled. “Fuck every last one of you. See if I ever help your stupid dumb fucking ass again.”

Oh, boy.

“No, because that woman is going to be my wife. She’s having my kid. Tell me you wouldn’t have saved her,” Sin continued.

I breached the doorway and started heading in Sin’s direction.

He wasn’t getting anywhere with whomever he was talking to.

Which was why when I reached the desk, instead of moving into Sin like I wanted to, I used my index finger to hit the button on his phone that would hang up on whomever he was talking to.

Sin threw the phone across the desk and scrubbed his face with his hands.

“Son of a bitch,” he growled. “I have a case that’s hot as fuck right now, but then I get a call like that from a woman that was so fucking scared, and I just lose it.”

I pushed him back from his desk, and then moved forward until my body was draped across his as best as I could manage.

With his hands still covering his face, it wasn’t easy.

But eventually, after I hugged his head for about two minutes, he moved his hands and sighed, placing them around my back and pulling me in tighter so that I straddled his thigh.

His very hard thigh that felt like a rock under me, causing me to squirm.

The seam of my jeans was sitting at a very awkward angle, making it press sideways against my clit.

Which normally wouldn’t be a bad thing, but Sin was really upset, and I doubted that his mind would be on me.

So I tried to contain my reaction.

Only, apparently a distraction was exactly what Sin needed, because before I could readjust a second time, he was pushing me off of him.

I gasped at the sudden move, blinking furiously to get my equilibrium.

One second I had my head buried in the crook of his neck and my arms wrapped solidly around him, and the next I was standing beside his chair between his splayed thighs.

“Umm,” I said as my pants sagged at the sudden movement.

His eyes went there, and then suddenly they were being yanked down to my ankles, and my ass was hitting his desktop.

Shit went flying—his cup of pens hit the floor, his phone went even more skewed than what it was, and his computer monitor rocked—and I gasped.

“Sin!” I cried out.

He ignored my cry, the perilousness of his computer monitor falling to the floor, and his damn pens as he yanked my tennis shoes off next and then finished stripping me of my pants.

“Been thinking about you all day,” he growled. “I’m so fuckin’ frustrated. But all I could think about was coming home to you and dealing with it by using your body.”

I blinked at him in surprise.

When he put it that way, I kind of wanted to do that, too. I’d had a pretty rotten day myself.

Forgetting about it for a bit, while I worked out some tension sounded like a fantastic idea.

Except… we weren’t at home.

And despite being in a locked office, the windows at my back were really fucking big, and if someone wanted to stop in front of Sin’s office windows, they could look right in and see me.

But then Sin started kissing me.

His full, I want to bite them lips were gently brushing against mine. Chaste at first, gathering my attention, but slowly drawing me in until I didn’t care about the windows at my back.

“Play with me, Sin,” I ordered, fisting my hand in his shirt and pulling him closer to me.

He laughed then, and it wasn’t a laugh I’d ever heard come out of his mouth before.

This laugh held a plethora of feelings.

Frustration and need, anger and desire.

Then he really started to kiss me.

That chaste kiss that he’d given me earlier? That was nice and all. But this one? The one where he poured his whole heart and soul into the kiss? That was what I wanted.



That kiss was the kiss that I thought about all day long. It was the type of kiss that’d gotten me pregnant in the first place.

“I need you,” he growled, smoothing his hands up the length of my thighs.

“Do you?” I asked curiously. “I need you, too.”

He growled then, his hands smoothing up until he had a hold of my hips.

“Baby,” he said softly. “I’m about to fuck you hard on my desk.”

I grinned against his lips. “Yeah?”

“Yeah,” he murmured softly, then let one of my thighs go to reach for his jeans. “Want you.”
