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I need more information before I talk to Ally about the rest of it. The unsettled feeling I’ve had all day? Now I understand it and that sensation is now amping up even worse.



I climb into Ash’s cab with Ralphie in his crate and wave goodbye to Jude who is still watching from the garage with his coffee cup.

“Watch her,” Jude calls out.

Ash waves. He knows the drill. I heard Jude on the phone with him this morning with explicit instructions. Even though Thad is being arrested today at some point, even though he apparently has no idea it’s about to happen, Jude doesn’t want me being too carefree.

Not to worry, I feel like it’ll be a while before I resume my former existence of blissful ignorance. Jude tried to tell me I’m not watchful enough because I had no idea he was tailing me that day that I faked the date, and that’s concerning, but I just stroked his ego by telling him it’s because he’s a dick of the utmost professional skills. That earned me a kiss, but also a lecture.

I’ve left early for work so I can drop Ralphie at the shelter to see the vet on my way. Jude is picking him up later and says he’ll call me the minute he knows Thad is in custody.

Eventually, though, Thad is going to find out that the gun from Jonah’s car is what’s going to get him sent to prison and of course he’s going to know that I’m the one that took it. And if that family is as connected as Devlin Cruickshank described, Thad will have reach beyond his jail cell. And that terrifies me. That means this might never be over until I’m over.

I’m trying to hold it together, though.

Ash comes into the shelter with me out of part curiosity and part duty as my Jude-appointed bodyguard until I get to work, and we take a minute to visit with some shelter animals. He seems rather smitten with a two-year-old German shepherd and by the time we leave, he’s filled out an adoption application.

His kids are going to be over the moon, and I’ve convinced him to pick the dog up on Saturday while I’m volunteering so I can witness it all.

When I open the passenger door of the cab, my phone is ringing; I left it on the front seat.

I flip it over as I climb in.

W Calling.


I answer, surprised.

“Wade! Hey!”

“Hey.” He sounds winded.

“What’s goin’ on? Tori told me not to call you anymore. Are you guys okay, because-”

“I’m… uh… I did it,” he says, still trying to catch his breath.

“You did what?”

“Took care of your problem.”

“You what?”

“I got rid of Thad Steele for you. That cop friend of my sister’s was telling her all about your problems with him and I figured out the best way to deal for you. I dealt.”

The car might be moving, but my world stops.

“I’ll be there soon, Alyssa. Gather all the cash you can, and we’ll take off. He won’t bug you again. You still wanna go where we talked about?”


“He’s gone. Don’t wanna say much on the phone, but I’ll head there after I’ve cleaned up the rest. You know what I mean.”

“Wade, oh my God…”

“Oh fuck - gotta go. Do not talk to my sister. If she calls you, you know nothing. I’ll get in touch soon.”

He hangs up.

I blink rapidly a few times.

“Oh my God,” I whisper again.

My eyes hit my home screen and I see two missed calls from Jude.

Ash’s phone starts ringing. He answers.

“Hello Jude. Yes, Jude. One moment.” He passes me the phone.


“Ally! Why aren’t you answering your phone? I need you no more than two rings away at any point we’re not together during this shit, okay, baby?”

I give my head a shake. “I forgot it in the car, I was in the shelter.”

“I know. I’ve got your phone cloned and have location services on, but baby-”

“I just got into Ash’s car, and it was ringing, and it was Wade.”


“Wade. Yeah, Wade Daystrom, and-”

“Listen, Ally, sorry to interrupt but I gotta tell you something. Thad Steele was just shot in the head by a sniper and he’s dead. The cops were less than an hour from arresting him but obviously that’s not necessary now. We don’t know yet who or why, but I wanted you to know immediately. Under the circumstances, I’d feel better if you were here with me. Can you work from here today?”

My eyes bulge.


Oh my god, Wade.

“I think Wade did it,” I whisper.


“He just called me and told me. He told me… he…” I’m dizzy. “I think he did it and he’s on his way to take care of Jonah, maybe.”

“Tell Ash to bring you back to me. Right now.”


I look to Ash who looks concerned.
