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Damn ATM transaction limits.

We all get out of the elevator, and I see the convoy of cop cars pulling away from outside the front lobby.

Rex and Julian walk ahead through the revolving doors.

“There’s the troublemaker,” Stew calls over from the front desk.

Jude scoffs.

“Oh, hi, Stew,” I say, trying for brightly but it’s shaky.

“Bring me a smoothie later?”

“I moved out, actually. But I’m coming back one day this week to get the rest of my stuff. I will definitely bring you a smoothie.”

“Aww. Sorry to see you go. You move in with him?”

“Yeah,” I say nervously.

Jude’s eyes are on fire as he stands by the revolving door with his arms crossed.

“Lucky guy,” Stew says. “Got yerself a handful, Jude. Treat her right.”

“Yeah. A handful,” Jude mumbles, running his hand through his hair. “My hair grey yet, Stew?”

“Not yet,” Stew says with a laugh. “Give it time. Won’t take long. Before you know it, you’ll forget your original hair color. Like this one.” Stew gestures to me. “You ever think about goin’ blonde?”

I laugh nervously. “Yeah. Sometimes. Later, Stew.” I wave and move into the revolving door. Jude gets into the same section as me and pushes, but before we’re out, he stops and turns me around to face him.

“What the fuck were you thinkin’?” he demands.

“You’re bein’ a little scary,” I whisper, not liking the little glass cage. It’s kind of claustrophobic, especially being in here with my angry alphahole roommate.

“You’re bein’ a little fuckin’ stupid!” he barks.

“Whoa. I don’t know who the fuck you think you’re talking to here, but…”

“Ally,” he snaps, looking like his head is about to explode.

“Can we get outta here?” I ask and push the handle.

He doesn’t budge, so neither does the glass cage.

“He asked me to run away with him and I said I couldn’t, that I fell in love and that I’m happy. And he was stuck, thinking I still had all sorts of money lying around, but I told him I gave the money back, filled him in on what happened, and handed him a bit of my work money I took out of the bank to help him go hide.”

“He’s a fuckin’ psycho murderer,” Jude hollers.

“He was my friend, one of my only friends, and he tried to help me. It was wrong. It was very wrong and very dangerous. But he wasn’t gonna hurt me. And he thought Jonah was a bad guy and thought Thad was going to rape and kill me after killing everyone I ever cared about. What did he say to you when you found him?”

“He looked me in the eye while I had a gun pointed at his face and asked if I’m the man you’re in love with. I told him yeah, then he handed me the money and told me I was a lucky man and to take good care of you.”

I blow out a breath. “He’s a really good guy. Just kinda… misguided.”

“How do you know he wouldn’t have hurt you, kidnapped you, shot you for rejecting him after all he did for you? Huh?”

An old man knocks on the window and gestures. He’s waiting to get out.

Jude shoves the door and grabs my hand and then we’re outside and his hand is on my lower back, but it feels like he’s all but frog-marching me toward his SUV. Rex and Julian are both standing there, Julian smoking a cigarette.

They both look kind of pissed, too.

Jude hits the fob in his hand to unlock his truck. Julian butts out his smoke and gets into the back passenger-side seat. Rex gets in on the driver’s side back seat.

I get in the front passenger seat and Jude dials a number.

“Aiden? Yeah, long story but we’ll be there in twenty. No. I called you so that I wouldn’t have to talk to any of them and answer questions. Just pass the message? Cheers.”

It’s silence until we get to the back of Jude’s building, and I see all the cars.

“Oh, good. Everybody’s here,” I say brightly.

Jude shoots me a dirty look as he hits the button on his visor to open the garage.

“I hope you guys are hungry,” I say. “I made a giant dinner and lots of cupcakes.”

Rex and Julian get out of the car without saying anything and Jude turns to me.

I pull my lips tight and stare.

He looks like he’s mentally counting to ten.

I lean forward and kiss him on his lips. He doesn’t kiss me back.

“It’s over,” I say.

He flexes his jaw.

“I love you,” I say.

He swallows and his shoulders relax marginally.

“We good?” I ask.

He shakes his head with dismay and rubs his forehead with the fingertips on his right hand.

“We have a houseful of people and it’s over, stud muffin. Let’s go have some fun.”

“Fun,” he says. “Yeah. Go in there and have some fun until they leave. Guess what happens after that?”
