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I read his reply and then write back before I sit down to brush brushing the kitty, so I can strategically place the fluff that comes off her all over Jude’s bed.

“Ally. Hey! Absolutely. Shoot me your address and I’ll be there.”

I can’t believe I’m about to do this. Dinner with Bill the Boob Looker.


It’s a couple minutes before 7:00 and my email chimes. It’s Bill and he’s in the parking lot.

Jude, however, is not back yet, so I reply to say I’ll meet him in the lobby. No point having Bill up here if Jude’s not around to see it.

I’m all dolled up in my velour empire waist short lilac-colored dress with high leather boots with laces all the way up the back. My hair is wavy and my eyes are smoky. I’m wearing a black collar-style choker necklace.

Georgia is sleeping on the corner of the sofa on her back with her paws up in the air, looking totally relaxed. She’s used her litter box, eaten, and groomed herself so she seems pretty content. I don’t feel too bad about leaving her alone on her first night here for these reasons.

“Sorry, kitty-girl. I’ve gotta go out for a bit. Be back soon. Be sure to rub all over him when he gets here, okay? Love you.” I kiss the top of her fluffy little head. She yawns. “Rub good, okay? I’m jelly though,” I add because yeah, he might be my enemy but what I wouldn’t give to be able to rub all over him like an affectionate kitten.

I put cartoons on TV for her and swap my essentials into a little black purse before spreading cat hair on his bed from her brush and heading out.

When I get to the lobby, Bill looks like he’s facing off with Stew, my security guard buddy. Stew is old enough to be my grandfather, lives alone, no wife or kids, and he loves me. He’s staring at me with an astute expression as I exit the elevator.

Bill straightens up and smiles at me, taking his time looking me over.

When the guy stands up straight, he’s really not bad looking.

He’s wearing a nice dress shirt and slacks. He’s tall, blond, good body. I’m not into him remotely, but I can appreciate the male form.

“Hey you,” I greet.

“Hey,” he says, eyeing me like I’m a juicy steak and he hasn’t eaten in a month. Eeks.

“Goodnight, Stew,” I say.

“Have her back by ten o’clock. And if you get frisky, I’ll kick you in the nuts,” Stew mumbles.

I laugh loud and kiss Stew on the cheek. “You’re so funny.”

Bill laughs, too, but I can tell by his eyes that he’s not sure if Stew is joking or not.

Stew leans forward from his chair and adds, “I ain’t tryin’ to be funny.”

“Have a good night!” I wave and we head out.

“My car is just over there,” Bill signals.

“Oh, we can walk. It’s just a couple blocks. Then you can walk me home afterwards and walk off all the food. Have you been to Buchanan’s before?”

“Oh yeah, lots. CC gives out gift cards every Christmas,” he says brightly. “It’s Mr. C’s fave. Great food. Is my car good here all night?”

“It won’t be here all night, Bill. Sorry to burst your bubble, but uh… poppp.”

“Maybe I can change your mind,” he tries.

“You helped me out with that problem the other day, so this is just my way of saying thanks.”

“Oh,” he deflates, slumping. “This is on you? You expect me to put out if you buy me a lobster? ‘Cuz I will. Put out, that is.”

“I’ll buy you a steak,” I correct. “I’ll even upgrade your dinner with a shrimp skewer, but forget the lobster. And no… you won’t be puttin’ out unless you meet someone else tonight.”

“We’ll see,” he says cockily.

I jerk back and make sure he notices my expression.

“I can be very charming,” he adds with a disarming smile.

I roll my eyes. I need to keep this firmly in the friend zone with no chance of a misunderstanding. Though it won’t hurt if he walks me home and Jude catches sight of that.

“You’re so funny,” I slap my leg. “But for real, though… I think you should ask Penny out. She’s definitely into you.”

“Penny? She smells like desperation. I’ve already gone there. Wouldn’t go back.”

“You and Pen had a thing?” I ask.

“Yeah. Last year after the staff Christmas party. One night. Nothin’ to write home about.”

“Wasn’t she married then? I mean, I know she’s divorced now, but…”

“Yep. She was. But she was on the verge of a split, she said.”

Still… yuck.

“So, I heard Mr. C got rushed out of the office yesterday in an ambulance. Any clue what happened?”

“I saw Aiden and Carly and he’s gonna be okay. Anyway, thanks again for your help lately. The new course portal has been a huge pain in the butt.”
