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I assumed that she had roots in New York City that would keep her here until she retired.

“I’m due for something new,” she tells me. “I’ve always imagined living in London or Paris. If I don’t do it soon, that ship will sail away without me.”

I nod, processing everything she just said. “If I get the job in London, I’d want you there beside me, but I might not get it. A lot of people are applying for it.”

“You’d be surprised by how few people were invited to apply for it, Olivia.” She tosses me a wink. “I have a friend in HR. We met for coffee yesterday and she let a few things slip about the London job.”

I resist the urge to question her more because I don’t want to compromise my chances. The less I know about what she talked about with her HR friend, the better. “I’ll keep my fingers crossed that I land the job.”

“Me too.” She crosses her index finger over the middle one. “Back to my original question.”

“Which was?” I grin.

“Did you have a date this weekend?”

I don’t confide in Sheryl when it comes to my personal life, but that hasn’t stopped her from poking around trying to uncover every small detail she can about it.

Since I don’t see the harm in sharing, I answer truthfully. “I had a date on Saturday night.”

“With him?” Her smile widens.

“Who?” I toss back with an even wider smile.

“Alexander Donato,” she says his name slowly as if she needs to pronounce it clearly so I don’t mistake it for another man’s name.

Considering I haven’t gone on a date in a couple of months, there’s no confusion regarding the single and available men in my life.

Right now, Alexander is the only one on my radar.

I pick up a pen from my desk and twirl it in my fingers. “Yes.”

“He likes you, Olivia.” She pushes her glasses back up her nose. “I hope you like him too.”

I do. I like him a lot.

Chapter 23


It’s been three days since I’ve seen Olivia.

I don’t buy into the idea that a man has to wait a prescribed amount of time to text or call a woman after a date.

I would have been fine calling Olivia as soon as I got home on Saturday night, but she needed space. The swift end to our date was proof of that.

She got in the taxi before I had to chance to kiss her goodnight.

I wasn’t pissed.

I went home and jerked off in the shower. I fell asleep with a smile on my face. I woke up Sunday morning on a high.

That carried me through the day as I hung out with Phoebe and Alvin.

I’ve been working since then. Long rehearsals have eaten up the last two days, but it’s been worth it.

The pride I take in guiding a talented group of musicians to the soaring heights of a piece of well-crafted music is unmatched.

I watch from my perch in the center of the stage as the orchestra thins. Each member has his or her own post-rehearsal routine.
