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"He didn't tell me." I reach out my palm and Cory slaps it with his. "He's excellent at keeping your little secrets."

"It's the candy," he confesses.

Hunter and I both burst out laughing.

"He will do anything for candy." Hunter nods in Cory's direction. "Your mother told you?"

"We saw her at the art store. Apparently she's taken up painting again." I hear the words and I'm still shocked by the meaning. My mother gave up painting when I was very ill. The fact that she's taken it up again speaks volumes about her state of mind. She loves it. It's always been something that she wanted to do.

"Cory recognized her?"

"He practically ran into her arms." I smile at Cory as he picks at the sweet peas on his plate.

"I like hugs." He doesn't break his gaze from his plate.

"How long have you known that she sees him?" It's not confrontational. Since I've gotten back from the store I've been slowly absorbing the fact that my mother sought out a connection with Cory and with Hunter. It's sinking in how profound that really is.

"A few weeks." He looks down, sheepishly. "She wanted to tell you in her own time. I didn't push that."

"It's a pretty big deal." My tone is serious. "Was that what you thought I was talking about when I told you I went to see her?" I suddenly realize that Hunter must have assumed my mother told me about her stolen visits with Cory in the park.

"Exactly that." He tips his head towards me. "She's really trying."

I know he feels that. I'm still trying to catch up to everything that's happened today. "I want her to know Cory."

"She knows me." He pulls on my arm. "Today she said my name."

"Yes." I reach down to run my hand along his forehead.

"Why didn't she tell him who she was sooner?" It seemed as though today she was finally ready to share that she was my mom.

"I introduced her as a friend. I didn't want small ears to tell you before your mom was ready." He motions towards Cory.

"Daddy, my ears aren't small." He taps the edge of his fork on the table in mild protest. "I like Sadie's mom."

"I'm really glad." I feel my breath skip. Maybe Dylan was right. Maybe family did mean everything.


"Please don't worry, Donna," I say into my phone. "I've got this."

"You're saving my life, Sadie." I can hear the appreciation in her tone.

"Just take the time to get better." I hang up the phone and realize that now that Cory's nanny is sick, I'm on duty for the day. I'll only miss one class and Hunter will be back by the time I'm expected at the bistro.

"Where's Donna?" Cory pops around the corner still dressed in his pajamas. "She's going to take me to the park."

"Get your clothes on, mister." I clap my hands together. "It's just you and me today."

He jumps up and down, squealing in glee. "This is the best day ever."

It was. I was going to do my best to make sure that every day from now on would be the best day ever for Hunter, Cory and me.

Chapter 20

"Push me higher." His legs kick frantically as I push on the swing.

"Higher." I give the swing a hard thrust and move out of the way as he glides into the air.
