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He parked the truck after letting his parents and boys off at the main entrance. “Go check in and I’ll meet you.” He was so anxious to return Liv’s call, he wanted them out of the truck, a fact not lost on his mom and dad.

The phone rang three times before she answered. Ben was almost beside himself by the time she did.

“It is so good to hear your voice, Liv.”

“Yours, too.”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t talk earlier. My parents and the boys were in the truck. Every word I said was the most interesting thing they’d ever heard,” he chuckled.

“It’s okay. I bet they missed you.”

“They did. But, Liv, I miss you.”

“I’m not sure what to say. I had a nice time, but now we’re back to our own lives. We shouldn’t get into the habit of talking to each other.”

“What do you mean? Why shouldn’t we get into the habit of talking to each other?” Getting angry would push her away, but he couldn’t help it. She pissed him off. “I’m sorry I raised my voice, Liv, but Jesus. Are you serious?”

She didn’t respond.

“Liv, come on. Don’t do this.”

“I’m not doing anything. We had fun.”

“But now it’s over?”

“How could something that didn’t start be over? It’s not over. It’s…I don’t know what. It just isn’t.”

“It isn’t? It’s not anything to you? It’s something to me.”

“Ben, go be with your kids. Enjoy your night at the rodeo. Enjoy your life.”

Regardless of what he said next, she’d say goodbye. And then if he called again, would she even pick up?

“I can’t let go of this, Liv. You think you want me to, but I can’t. More than that, I won’t. So I may hang up now, but tomorrow, I’ll call you again, and if you don’t answer, I’ll keep calling until you do.”

“Why, Ben?”

“Because this matters, and I plan to show you how much.”

He said goodbye, and hung up. If he hadn’t, he might have resorted to begging to come see her. Ben’s boys were with him until Monday morning. He’d give her a couple of days, and call her again, if he was able to last that long. For the first time in several days, he wanted a drink.

Liv locked the back door and went into the bedroom. It was too early to sleep, if she did, she’d be wide awake at three a.m. But there wasn’t anything she wanted to do. She turned on the television, but nothing interested her. She picked up her tablet to read. She wasn’t interested in reading either. She swiped the music icon with her finger, and Ben’s voice sang to her.

You’ve had a rough day,

Why don’t I turn out the light.

Let down your hair,

It’s gonna be all right.

If you need me to dry your tears,

Baby I’ll be right here.

Goodnight blue eyes,

May your dreams come true.
