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“She doesn’t shake hands either,” added Liv.

Ben was antsy. There would be time for his parents to get to know Liv better tomorrow, or the day after that. Right now all he wanted to do was be alone with her. He longed to hold her close, skin on skin, and sink his body into hers.

As it was, he couldn’t take his hands off her. He stroked her arm, and then pulled her in closer, kissing the soft skin right along her hairline. She smelled so good, like lavender and something else he couldn’t place, but it was Liv.

“These kids would like to be on their way, Ginny,” his father interjected, sensing his son’s impatience.

“What’s your hurry?” Ginny winked at Liv.

Ben stood and held his hand out to Liv, who wrapped her fingers through his. “We’ll see you soon, Mom,” he winked back.

“It was so nice to meet you both,” Liv said, walking over to hug his father.

“And you too. We hope to see more of you during your visit.” Ginny hugged her. “We’re so happy you’re here.”

“Where do you live?” Liv asked when they got in the truck.

“Over this hill a little ways.” He pointed in the direction of his house.

“On the ranch?”

“Yep. I guess I didn’t tell you that, did I?”

“No, you didn’t mention it.”

He told her about his brothers then, and pointed in the direction of their places. He explained how his dad had divided up the parcels for each of his three sons.

“No sisters?”

“Sisters-in-law, but no, no sisters.” Ben realized again how little he’d told her about himself.

“Oh, Ben,” she said as they approached his house. It was a more modern version of his parents’ place, built from the same dark wood, with weathered corrugated steel roofing and accents. He loved his house, but he had to admit, he loved hers more.

“I’m warning you, my kitchen isn’t half as nice as yours. And I have one fireplace, not one in every room.”

“I don’t have a fireplace in every room, Ben.”

“Just about,” he teased.

They made it through the front door, but giving her a tour now was out of the question. He’d waited long enough to hold her, touch her, explore every inch of the body he’d spent so many days and nights longing to feel next to him.

Ben cupped the back of her neck, touching his mouth to hers, warm, barely there at first, then firmer. He parted her lips, angling his head, trying to get closer to her. His hands pulled her jacket away from her shoulders and tossed it on the floor. “I need you naked now, Liv,” he groaned.

A flush warmed her skin as he nipped at her earlobe. “You taste so good.”

A groan escaped her lips as she ran her hands over his shoulders, down, caressing his solid chest, moving lower, to unfasten his belt.

Before she did, Ben picked her up and carried her up the stairs. “Once you’re in my bed, it will be a long, long time before I let you out of it.”

He took her mouth again, hungrily. His hands traveled over her back, lingering as they slowly moved down the length of her spine, over her bottom, pressing her closer into him. The mere touch of her body lit him on fire.

Liv’s eyes bored into his as he slid his fingers into her long hair, holding her still, and feasting on her lips.

“Talk to me, Liv. Tell me. Did you miss me? Did you miss this?”

“I missed you so much,” she whispered. She took off the rest of her clothes while Ben watched. He cupped her chin and kissed her mouth, trailing his lips down her body, over the swell of her breast, softly kissing the curve of her stomach, then her hip.

Ben lifted her on the bed and pushed her gently so she spread out in front of him. He reached behind and pulled his shirt over his head, then took off his jeans. He reached for the drawer in the nightstand and Liv sat up, and stopped his hand with hers.

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