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My breath caught, and I felt silly, but it did. I finished my slice of pizza and then downed my milk. “Will...Paige practice with us?” I asked, thinking it was a smart question considering she had to practice, too.

He nudged me with my arm, and I almost dropped the milk. “Yeah, I don’t think so.”

I looked at him sharply. “Why?”

Rider shrugged.

“I haven’t her,” I said slowly, unsure of what to say since I hadn’t told Rider everything Paige had said.

“I know,” he replied.

“You...” Then it dawned on me. My eyes narrowed. Disbelief and irritation flooded me. “ said something to her.”

Rider raised his brows.

“I... You can’t do that,” I said, leaning back as a soft breeze caught a strand of my hair and tossed it across my face. Rider’s eyes met mine. I’d stood up to her when she called me stupid, and I’d believed that was why she hadn’t bothered me since. I’d been wrong. “What did you say to her?”

His eyes searched mine. “I just told her that you are important to me and since I never thought I’d have you back in my life, I didn’t want anything or anyone messing with that. She understands.”

“Understands what?” I whispered.

Rider’s gaze held mine again. “She understands that if I have to pick between you two, it’s not going to be her.”

A flutter started deep in my stomach and spread into my chest, because, well, that was sort of, really sweet and nice and a little crazy, b

ut still, I didn’t want him doing this—fighting my battles. And I didn’t want him having to pick between us. “That... I don’t even know what to say. You shouldn’t have to pick between us and I...don’t need you sticking up for me anymore.”

“Really?” he murmured.

“Yes!” I all but yelled, earning a glance from the nearby table. I was surprised that I even raised my voice, but I was mad. Really mad. Here I was thinking that I, all by myself, had driven Paige off, and it hadn’t been me. “I don’t need...someone’s protection,” I said in a much lower voice.

He smiled, wide and bright, but I didn’t care.

I punched him on the arm. “It’s not something to smile about.” I cocked my arm back and went to punch his arm again, when he caught my hand.

“Mouse!” Rider laughed deeply. “Did you just hit me?”

I ignored the question. “I don’t need you...standing up for me. I need...” I trailed off, because he’d drawn my closed hand to his chest. I could feel his heart beating strongly under my hand.

His eyes took on a hooded quality. “You need what, Mallory?”

Talking was hard for a whole different reason. “I need...I need to handle things by myself.”

Rider’s brows knitted as he stared at me like I spoke an unfamiliar language. “Why?”

“Why?” I sputtered. “Because I need to do that for myself. You can’t...step in every time you think something happens. You can’t always...protect me.”

“But I want to,” he said, his voice low again. Smooth.

My heart was jumping around in my chest. “You can’t.”

One side of his lips curled up. He kept my hand against his chest. “It’s kind of an old habit to break.”

Those lashes lifted again and his stare pierced me. “ need to try.”

“Okay.” He lowered our hands to his knee. With his other hand, he brushed back a strand of my hair, tucking it behind my ear. “I can try.”

I didn’t know what to say as we stared at each other and I had no idea what anyone must think if they were looking at us. I was still irked at him. Not that I didn’t appreciate his concern, but I wasn’t a damsel he needed to rush in and save.
