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“Dario, I’m sure. You wanna know, I’ll tell you. But you wanna let her do it, there’s no reason I need to give it to you instead.”

“Alright. Call ya tomorrow.”

I’d gone back to the bedroom and found her curled up in a ball and I felt like a fucking heel holding back like that and punishing her by not letting her come.

That’s what they did, held back orgasms to punish her, and I didn’t wanna abuse the power. That’s what I’d essentially done, though. Backed off with her all worked up out of anger and that’s not what I was trying to do here. So I went in, got her to open up, and I put everything I had into making her come, not for more information, not to keep her in line, but just to give her what she needed.


I’d gotten his fingers, his mouth, and his cock. I was full in my pussy with his fingers and when he got his cock into my ass I came so hard that one orgasm rolled into another and it was so amazing that afterwards I bawled in his arms. He held me and stroked my hair and I fell asleep holding him as tight as I could.

In the morning I woke up to the smell of toast and coffee. He brought me a tray with breakfast in bed.

“Good morning,” he said cautiously.

“Hi.” I sat up.

“Breakfast is ready,” he said.

“It smells good. You cooked?”

“Kind of. I made toast. I’m sorry about last night,” he said, looking remorseful.

I shook my head, “I’m sorry about last night, too. I know you’re just doing what you need to do to get me…better.”


sp; He frowned and sat down and put the tray beside me. There was toast cut into triangles with peanut butter and jam on it with a coffee and a banana.

I wanted to cry. How did I luck out like this?

“What’s the matter?” he asked me.

I shrugged, “I just feel lucky.”


“Lucky that I got sold to you. It could’ve been anyone. It could’ve been anyone else and then I wouldn’t have you. You’re amazing, Dare.”

He gave me a tight smile and ran the back of his thumb along my cheekbone.

“I got lucky. I joked with Pop that I wanted a mail-order bride not knowing anything about Lisa’s truth or about Kruna. His gift came from a fucked up place, my baby, but he did give me a beautiful gift. I feel bad one minute that I let it go here with us but a split second later I am relieved that I opened my eyes and got my head outta my ass where you’re concerned. You and me, we’re gonna be happy; I promise you that.”

I wanted to melt. He pulled me into his arms and held me tight.

I wanted to explain about holding back my name, about the threats and that being broken through 19 days of torture kept me from being totally open, about how I felt about him calling me his Angel and how I didn’t want the reasons for that to change, but I couldn’t find the words or figure out where to even start. So I just let him hold me for a few minutes and then he left me to have breakfast, putting Bugs Bunny on for me and telling me that Tommy and Zack were going to be over any minute and that they needed to talk in the den privately. The toast he’d made me was cold by the time I ate it but it was still the best pb & j toast I’d ever eaten in my life.

Chapter 8


Tommy didn’t sleep much the night before so I didn’t sleep much either.

He came into the bedroom and then he tied me to the bed with neck ties and the handcuffs. I was on my belly with one of my wrists cuffed with the new cuffs Sarah had given him to the headboard and my other wrist tied with a tie to the headboard and feet spread and tied to each of the cannonballs at the foot of the bed and he did me hard via anal sex. As much as I was in the moment when it was happening, I was not having very positive effects from it in the morning. It was a little too rough with not enough lube and now I was paying the price of not speaking up about it. I took a long soak before breakfast, wincing through the burning and hoping the swelling would go down soon and then as I headed downstairs he was just waking up. I met Lisa and Sarah in the kitchen. Tessa was still upstairs getting the boys dressed.

Lisa seemed in pretty good spirits while we helped Sarah make breakfast but then she locked tight when Tommy came into the kitchen.

“Mornin’ girls,” he said and she paled and froze in her tracks. This was the first time she’d seen him since the day after our wedding when we saw them off.
