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Lisa turned to Jason. “I thought I was staying with you?”

Jason shrugged.

“But I left my suitcase upstairs.”

“Vince has already moved it,” Jake informed her.

“Master,” Claire piped up, “I don’t have a hairbrush, or even a toothbrush.”

Jake rolled his eyes. “Vince can find you a toothbrush.”

“And you can borrow my hairbrush,” Ryan offered.

“Sleep well. You sluts have a lot of work to do tomorrow.”

He grabbed his crotch suggestively. Kimani glanced at Ben, her savior in many ways because the last thing she wanted was to have to go down on Jake. She hadn’t told Sam about being hit because he probably would have told her to come straight home. She couldn’t wait to hear what he had dug up about Ben and Jake.

After Claire and Kimani received toothbrushes and the women attended to their oral hygiene in the first-floor bathroom, they all followed Vince downstairs. Once he got to their room, he flipped on the light switch. Ryan’s and Lisa’s bags were by the second mattress.

“This is where we’re staying?” Ryan asked. “It’s a shithole.”

Lisa wrinkled her nose. “There aren’t even any windows.”

“Sleep tight, ladies,” Vince said as he closed the door behind him.

Kimani heard the lock engage.

“Part of the BDSM thing,” Claire explained. “We’re supposed to be the sex slaves.”

“I don’t remember anything like this in Fifty Shades,” said Lisa.

“Well, Anastasia wasn’t a sex slave,” Ryan clarified.

“It doesn’t bother you that you are?” Kimani asked.

“You’ve never fantasized about being a sex slave to some super-hot guy?”

“I have,” Lisa answered. “It’s pretty cool that I get to play out one of my fantasies. How often does that happen?”

“I guess I have a hard time with the concept of slavery,” Kimani said.

“That’s history. We’re talking fantasy. It’s different.”

“Even so.” Kimani tried to imagine being Ben’s sex slave. Not a real slave. Just pretending, role-playing. The thought wasn’t as revolting as she would’ve expected. Was being his slave better than being his pet? Or was it essentially the same thing?

“How is his cock by the way?” Lisa asked a little shyly.

“I don’t know. I haven’t seen it yet.”

The other three stared at her.

“Then what were the two of you doing?” Ryan chimed in. “You were screaming plenty loud.”

Kimani blushed. “We were just—he masturbated me.”

“That’s it?” Claire asked, stunned.

“That’s it.”
