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He raised his brows.

“I mean, maybe they don’t know any better. No modern woman in her right mind wants a caveman who will club her over the head and drag her into his cave by her hair.”

“You so sure about that?”

She glanced over at the other women. “I guess I shouldn’t make generalizations, but for me and my friends, we’re not looking for a lunkhead with big biceps whose penis is bigger than his brain. Maybe for men, it doesn’t matter so much if the woman is a bimbo, as long as she’ll suck his cock for him.”

He pulled her toward him and pinned her with his gaze. “You don’t think I can get cock-sucking bimbos for a lot less than two hundred thousand?”

Lowering her lashes, she avoided his look, murmuring, “I’m sure you can get cock-sucking bimbos for nothing.”

“Now, just because you went to Stanford, it doesn’t mean you can’t be a bimbo. Some of the biggest idiots I’ve ever met come from places like Stanford and Harvard.”

“Do you consider me a bimbo?”

He released her. “I don’t shell out two hundred thousand dollars for cock-sucking bimbos.”

She wasn’t buying it. “Oh, so you’re not looking to have sex. You’re interested in my intellect?”

He laughed. “I don’t have a problem sleeping with not-so-intellectual women.”

She shook her curls. “I knew it.”

“Whoa. Before you cast stones, are you saying you’d only fuck a guy whose intellectual?”

“He has to be a good person, preferably smart and caring.”

“Then how come you came so easily for me?”

She flushed. “I guess I figured you couldn’t be all bad if you went to Howard.”

“That’s a dangerous generalization. I could still be a huge asshole.”

Still holding his gaze, she lifted her chin, but there was a hint of appreciation curling the corners of her lips. “Yeah, you totally could.”

He lowered his voice and repeated his question. “Then how come you came for me yesterday?”

When she didn’t answer right away, he had to stay himself from pressing her. He was curious to know what she had to say. Their conversation should have stalled his ardor; instead, it was making him harder. And he wanted to go there.

“I guess the body has a mind of its own, so to speak,” she replied.

“And what happened to ‘smart and caring’?”

“Are you saying you’re not smart and caring?”

“Doesn’t matter what I think. What were you thinking at the time you squirted into my hand?”

She thought for a moment. “If I thought you were a total dickwad, I wouldn’t have come. Maybe some women are okay being felt up by strangers and assholes, but if some lech—billionaire or not—groped me, I’d want to punch him in the balls. See how he likes being touched in the privates without permission.”

“That’s an interesting perspective for someone who auctioned off her body.”

“It’s completely different. I consented to the auction. I chose to do it.”

“So what would have happened if I had been a complete asshole?”

“I reserve the right to change my mind and drop out of the arrangement.”

“But then you don’t see a penny from the auction.”
