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He moved an arm so he could gently hold the back of her neck. “So, you want me to stay? I can tell you now that it’ll cause strife and division. I’m not Irish, remember. Between the British and Irish DDA offices, not to mention our clans, it’s going to be a fight.”

“Fuck what others think. I already have males with ego issues threatening to attack me. Besides, once the clan sees your dedication to the clan and me, they’ll come around. They’ve already seen you win over my grandmother, and that counts for a lot around here.”

“Well, Orla did ask me to look out for you. She’d better be on my side.”

For a split second, Teagan wondered if she’d made a mistake. “Is that why you’ve been feeding me and put me to bed earlier today? Just because my gran asked you to?”

He growled and tightened his grip on her neck. “Of course not. You need someone to tell you to breathe and take a step back, even if for only a few minutes. Maybe it was to humor her at first, but now, whenever I see you about to fall over from exhaustion, and yet someone still approaches you, I want to intercede and tell them to call on you later.” He gently squeezed her neck. “Will you give me that right, Teagan O’Shea? I want to be your male.”

Her heart pounded faster as an image of her and Aaron leading the clan together flashed into her mind, followed by one of them much older with them teaching their daughter to fight. As the little green-eyed girl pinned Aaron and grinned, her black hair flowing in the breeze, Teagan’s heart swelled with pride.

She had no idea how it would play out, but she wanted those glimpses of the future.

She whispered, “I want you to stay.”

His hand moved from her neck to fist her hair. “And be your male?”

She nodded. “And be my male.”

“Good.” He raised his head to kiss her gently. “Don’t break my heart, love, and I’ll do my bloody best to be the male you deserve. Although I have conditions.”

She sat up and Aaron released his grip on her hair. She rolled her eyes. “Of course you do.”

“I’m serious. I can’t leave my mother unprotected. And you’ll have to convince Bram to give my mother and me up. You can’t afford to make Stonefire an enemy.”

Tracing his jaw, she asked, “Why don’t you ask your mother what she wants? Believe me, I understand wanting to protect someone, but sometimes people need freedom to find happiness. Your mother should know she has a choice.”

“I’ll ask her, but I’ll always worry.”

“That is part of the reason I want you as my own. Underneath the muscles and morning crankiness, there is a caring, kind male who isn’t blinded by ego and insecurities about his manliness.”

He grunted. “I hope you’re not going to share that with your clan and ruin my reputation.”

Tapping her chin, she answered, “Well, we’ll see. I guess it depends on if you piss me off or not.”

His muscles tensed to move, but she allowed him to flip her onto her back and pin her wrists above her head. His voice was husky as he said, “Arguments can be fun. After all, making up is the best part.”

Lifting her hips, she rubbed against his erection. “I know we’re not making up now, but maybe we should practice for the future. I like to be prepared.”

He nipped

her jaw. “Just as long as there is a future.” He kissed the corner of her mouth. “And to ensure you’re in charge for it, I’m going to help you prepare for the trials using every dirty trick I can think of. No more going easy on you.”

As Aaron moved to her earlobe and worried her flesh, she let out a moan. “Trials?” He blew on her wet flesh and she shivered. “How am I supposed to concentrate on anything when you do that?”

He nipped her ear. “It’s my secret weapon against you.” Moving to her neck, he gently bit her and eased the sting with his tongue. “But for now, it’s my duty to help you relax.”

“Your duty, aye?” Arching her back, her hard nipples brushed against Aaron’s chest. “Then you’d better demonstrate your skills so I can determine if you’re qualified for the task on a regular basis.”

Aaron took her lips in a rough kiss, his tongue sweeping into her mouth and claiming her tongue. Each stroke heated her body and made her ache between her thighs.

The male knew how to claim.

When he broke the kiss, he whispered, “How was that?”


He narrowed his eyes, extended a talon, and sliced through her top and bra. Pushing aside the material, he took one of her nipples into his mouth and suckled.
