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My jaw dropped. “You made that?”

She nodded. “I double-majored in art and business.”

“That’s incredible, Ry.” I whipped my gaze to hers.

“Thanks. I was going to get my master’s in sustainable design up at MCAD, but then Dad died, so I deferred, and now…” She shrugged. “Well, Mom needs me at the store.”

“At the store? When you can make those?” I gestured toward the sculpture.

“Dad ran that hardware store for forty-two years, Caspian.” Her jaw tightened. “It’s all she has, and neither of them planned on cancer snatching him away. So yeah, I came home, finished up my last semester online, and took over.”

“Are you making more here? Do you have a studio?” I had to admire her loyalty to her family, but talent like that wasn’t common.

She glanced away, shaking her head as the light in her eyes dimmed. “I don’t have time for that. Like you said, life gets busy.”

“You should make time. Look at that thing. I know plenty of people who would buy art like that, and not just for houses or restaurants. I bet Silas would put one in front of Reaper Arena—it’s that good.” The thing was hypnotizing, drawing my attention as the rotors whirled with the breeze.

“It’s not that easy.” She pushed off the railing, crossing her arms under her breasts. “Not everyone gets to follow their dreams, Caspian. Not everyone gets drafted into the NHL and then gets to pick and choose what team he’s on just to be closer to his sister.” She cocked her head.

My gaze narrowed slightly, torn between lecturing her about the talent she was wasting and smiling because she’d obviously followed my career. “You’re right. I did take a deal with the Reapers to be close to London, so I get wanting to be there for your family. But there has to be a way for you to do both, right?”

Her shoulders dipped. “Running the store is a full-time job, and it’s not like Jenny is coming home to do it, and Evan has another year in Iowa City.”

I opened and shut my mouth, biting my tongue when my first reaction was to suggest hiring someone.

“I knew you wouldn’t get it.” She shook her head and looked out over the lake. “Someone like you has never had to compromise a day in his life. Perfect family. Perfect career. Perfect life. I’m just over here trying to live mine.”

Leaning against the deck railing, I ignored the sweat that beaded on the back of my neck and studied her, really looking at her for the first time in years…maybe ever. There was a determination in her eyes that matched my own. Her shoulders were back, her chin high, and her lips tight. “There’s a difference between surviving and living, Ry.”

“Well, that’s why we’re doing this, isn’t it?” She gestured between us. “So I can get on with living. I put everything on hold when Dad died. I left school, came home, and did my duty. Besides, Chuck and I had been doing the whole long-distance thing for four months, so it made sense since he’d already graduated. Dad’s death taught me that life is short. None of us know how much time we’ll get, so I want to live my life now.”

“And you’re so sure that Chuck Stewardson is worth all this?” He wasn’t. I knew it in my fucking bones.

“Yes! He’s the logical choice. The one who stood by me when Dad died. The one who put that down payment on the house with me. He wants the same future I do. Don’t act like you know anything about us when you haven’t seen either of us in years. This town isn’t stagnant, Caspian. We didn’t just stop evolving because you left to go be a hockey god.”

“Logical choice,” I said slowly, hung up on those two words. “You’re building your life on the logical choice.”

She waved me off and glared. “You know what I mean. You don’t just get married because you love someone.”

“You don’t? Because that’s why we’re standing on this deck, celebrating London and Sterling.”

“And they’re more than just a love match!” She pointed back toward the doors. “Those two fit logically. She works in the same industry. They want the same future. They’re both ready to commit and settle down. Is love necessary for marriage? Yes, but it’s just one piece of the puzzle.”

“It’s a pretty big piece.”

“Because you know so much about love? And marriage? And commitment? From what I hear from London, you’re a glorified playboy.” She stared me down with those gorgeous green eyes, calling me out on my bullshit in a way almost no one did.

“I never said I was ready to get married or commit because I’m not in love. I’ve watched my parents and now London and Sterling. Hell, I’m surrounded by a team of guys who tend to fall fast and hard, so it’s not like I’m oblivious over here. If you want to marry Stewardson, then fine, but I’m telling you that life is too short not to chase your dreams.” I pointed to the sculpture. “And that is a pretty fucking awesome dream over there.”
