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I shook off the heated thoughts, knowing tonight was so not about me and my mixed emotions, but about London.

The family London and Jansen and Caspian had was infectious—a brood of brothers and friends that effortlessly folded me into their games, their jokes, their fun. I never knew a kind of friendship existed like this, a chosen family who somehow just made everything better.

Once we finished the game of flip cup, the bartender headed over to let London know the band had set up on the stage outside, and Caspian and I quickly funneled our slightly inebriated friends to the bar’s back patio.

The sun had set, so there was a nice cool breeze, and golden twinkle lights illuminated the farmhouse-style tables set up just past the wide dancefloor. The sky was jet black with sparkling stars creating a gorgeous setting for their party. I was so happy for London I felt like my chest might crack.

A local band started cranking out mellow tunes once we’d all made it outside, and several waiters glided past the tables, filling drinks or taking special orders. Some of the hockey stars chose to sit down and fell into easy conversation, while the stars of the hour—London and Jansen—seemed content to dance the night away.

After double checking that everyone was good, I took a seat across from Maxim and his sister and Evie, Caspian settling down next to me. Sparks teased my skin with how close we sat without touching, and I had to quell that urge to reach over and take his hand. Cannon and Persephone joined us, gratefully distracting me from my thoughts, while Axel held up the outdoor bar since he was sans wife. London told me she wasn’t well enough to travel with him to this event. Hudson and his wife danced, and so did Savannah and Hendrix, and Briggs and Bristol. Sawyer and Harper, had disappeared about an hour ago, and I couldn’t help but laugh at the idea of where they’d run off to. The bar was surrounded by beautiful woods with tons of alcoves and delicate concrete benches to sneak off to.

“You aren’t letting your mom feed you too much, are you, Caz?” Cannon fired across the table, Persephone perched on his lap like it was the most natural thing in the world. “You’re looking a little heavier in the middle.” There was nothing but pure tease in his words, but I couldn’t help raising my brows between him and Caspian. Had Cannon looked at Caspian lately? Like, really truly looked? Because he was all carved muscle and smooth skin and pure strength.

My body flushed again from the memory of last night. The way we’d crossed so many lines but it felt so damn good. Caspian had played my body like an expert, like he’d had months and months to learn what I liked instead of mere days. He’d used his tongue and mouth and body in ways I’d never experienced. Ways that left me breathless and aching just thinking about it. Was it just because he was that good? Or was it because we were that good together? I had nothing to compare it to.

Chuck had certainly never made me feel like that, not that he was a bad lover, just that…well, he never really took the time to tease or play or explore. He’d always said foreplay was overrated, and not once had he tried to go down on me.

Not like Caspian had when he’d explored my body, studied my sounds and the way I reacted to his touch like I was the most interesting thing in the world. God, it had to be because he was so experienced, right? I mean, he was a fucking NHL star, of course he’d be an expert at getting women off. He probably had a line of women to choose from every night. I just happened to be…a convenient arrangement right now.

And did that bother me? I didn’t really think it did, not when we were all tangled up in the mess of my previous relationship. One I still wanted back, right?

I didn’t know anymore.

And that terrified me.

“You wish, old man,” Caspian said, tossing a wadded-up napkin at Cannon, who caught it without flinching. “I’m as fit as ever,” he said. “I’ve ran every morning since I got back. Have you?”

Cannon smirked, gently shifting some of his wife’s long blond hair off her back, planting a kiss to her spine. She leaned into the touch, a soft smile at her lips. “I’ve been doing my cardio,” Cannon said, his dark eyes casting a heated look at Persephone, who laughed over her shoulder at him. “Don’t you worry.”

“Get a room,” Maxim teased from the other side of the table, and I swore Evie sank about another foot into her chair every time he spoke.
