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I'm afraid I've brought you out here under false pretenses. The pain I'm suffering right now is not from any mistake you have made… it is due to a serious error of my own. I've made many such errors in my life; however, the most recent was when I seriously misjudged you and your caring for my daughter.

I ask you both to forgive a silly, selfish old man. I not only approve of you for my daughter, I have spoken with the chairman of the hospital and have nominated you for my replacement as Chief of the Thoracic Unit when I retire next month.

Congratulations and Merry Christmas,


P.S. Be patient with Kim. Just remember—she loves you.

Kim was getting into it. Too bad I don't have any music, she thought, picking up her speed as she stretched out her arms. She twisted, intending to spin herself around. Instead, she lost her balance and fell flat on her rear. She started laughing as she slid backward on the ice. As she drifted to a stop she looked toward the window, taking a mock bow toward her father. But it was not her father that she saw. It was Tony, standing at the edge of the rink, watching her.

Kim sat on the ice, not even feeling the cold wetness as it seeped through her jeans. "Tony?" she asked softly, brushing a snowflake off her eyelash.

He smiled at her as he stepped onto the ice. He stopped in front of her and extended his hand in an offer to help her up.

She slowly accepted his hand and he lifted her to her feet. Still holding on to her, he showed her the note.

Kim read it slowly, her brown eyes filling with tears. She looked at Tony and smiled.

Tony was the first to speak. "Kim, I… well, I'm sorry if…"

"You have nothing to apologize for. I do. I'm sorry. I was worried about repeating the mistakes of the past, and in doing so, I almost made the most terrible mistake of my life."

He traced his finger underneath her eye, wiping away a tear. "You changed your mind about us? Were you visited by the ghost of Christmas past?"

She smiled and nodded. "As well as the ghost of Christmas present and future. I saw what my life would be like without you."

"And what were you doing… without me?"

"I was sad and lonely. I had been offered something more priceless than money or fame, and I was too frightened to accept it."

He hugged her close. "I love you, Kim. I can understand why you were concerned about me… or rather, about us… but I think as long as we make a conscious effort to balance love and work, we'll be okay. Even your dad could see that. Speaking of which…" he said, nodding toward the house. "I don't know how you did it, but you've even changed him. His letter… well, it's a miracle."

Kim grinned with happiness as she grabbed him, pulling him in closer. "It's no miracle," she said. "It's magic. Christmas magic."

And then, just as the distant church bells began to chime midnight, he kissed her.

? ? ?

MARGARET ALLISON, a graduate of the University of Michigan, is a former advertising and marketing executive and has also worked as a model and as an actress. Margaret currently lives in Maryland with her husband and is working on her next novel for Pocket Books.

* * *

Stef Ann Holm

Jolly Holly

* * *

For my father and mother,

Frank and Gloria Wysocki,

who've always believed

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Chapter One
