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I spin and immediately the breath whooshes from my lungs because tonight’s client is gorgeous. He’s older, with flecks of gray sprinkled throughout his black hair, but he’s got glinting blue eyes and square jaw that makes me gulp. He’s tall, too, wearing a dark suit that highlights his broad shoulders, and long legs.

“Hi,” I manage in a breathy tone. “You must be Grant. It’s lovely to meet you.”

The handsome older man nods.

“You too, sweetheart. Are you ready to go? I have a table for us in the back.”

I nod, collecting my drink before smiling at him. His blue eyes are so dazzling that I almost faint, but then I make myself stay strong. Don’t go swooning over a client, Lucy’s voice rings in my ears. These men aren’t looking for love. But still, a girl can enjoy her job right? Flashing Grant a dazzling smile, I hop off my stool

“Yes, ready.” With that, I follow his broad back to our table, where he gallantly pulls out my chair for me before seating himself.

Grant orders us each a glass of red wine.

“So, Sarah, how did you come to join City Girls? Tell me a bit about yourself.”

I bite my lip and smile. If I’m not mistaken, I’m getting good at my spiel. “Well, actually I just got started with the agency, so this is pretty new to me. I mean, you’re not my first date or anything,” I add hastily. “It’s just I haven’t been in this lifestyle long.”

He nods, a smile quirking at his lips. “Go on.”

“I was talking to a friend, and actually her husband used to use City Girls before they were married. So she recommended that I look them up and then voila! I was hired.”

Grant nods, blue eyes glinting.

“And does your friend’s husband still use City Girls?”

I gasp, shocked.

“Oh no, of course not. He’s very much in love with Lucy, and would never dream of it.”

Grant chuckles low in his throat, taking my hand.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you. I’m sure your friend and her husband are very happy together. Did they meet through City Girls by chance?”

I shake my head.

“No, I don’t think so. At least, Lucy has never admitted it, but maybe I should ask …”

The handsome older man chuckles again, giving my hand a squeeze.

“I didn’t mean to throw you into such a tizzy. Tell me more about where you’re from.”

Ah, safe territory. I take a deep breath, although my heart’s still pounding.

“Well, I live in New Jersey, the same town where I grew up in, but I’m at Manhattan Community College, taking classes in psychology. I’m hoping to get my degree soon so that can become a therapist.”

Grant nods.

“Wow, that sounds interesting. What made you decide on that major?”

Smiling, I explain to him how much I like to help people, and the words flow easily. I’m always excited when I talk about my concentration and sometimes, can get a little carried away. But Grant nods and looks genuinely interested, interjecting at all the right times. Finally, I wind down a bit.

“Okay, enough about me,” I say with a laugh. “What do you do in the city?” I ask. He smiles.

“I’m actually own a real estate brokerage. It’s called Collins. Have you heard of it?”

My eyes widen. This is so weird because didn’t Braden also own a real estate brokerage? What are the chances of these two men being in the exact same industry? Then again, real estate is big money in Manhattan, so it’s not that unusual, I suppose. Still, what a funny coincidence.

“How long have you been a broker?” I ask.

Grant chuckles. “A long time. I started out as an agent decades ago, but then I formed my own firm, so now other agents work for me. It’s great. I like mentoring younger folks, and we’ve really created something special that brings a lot of value to our clients.”

At that moment, the waitress returns with our drinks and we each order a meal. I put in an order for coq au vin, and Grant asks for the grilled skirt steak. Wow, fancy. I take another sip of my drink, my heart pounding in my chest. I’ve never had such expensive items before because usually, I’m a cheeseburger and fries girl, but this is a great time to expand my palate.

Surprisingly, the meal goes off without a hitch. I was afraid I’d have a Pretty Woman moment where the food goes flying off the table in an embarrassing incident, but everything goes smoothly and I enjoy my chicken immensely. Who knew French food could taste so yummy? Plus, the conversation with Grant is easy and unforced. He’s gorgeous, so I can hardly take my eyes off him, but he makes me feel comfortable and at ease. At the end, we order strawberry clafoutis, and Grant laughs as I get a bit of whipped cream on my nose. But then, those blue eyes go dark as I pop the last bite in my mouth. He takes my small palm in his big one and squeezes a little.
