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My brows furrow, not understanding her. “Run?”

“I want to go into the forest, I want to play hide and seek with you, but I want a burning rose. No more treating me like I’m fragile. The first time you took me on a run, it was merely a test. I want it all,” she tells me, finally lifting her gaze to meet mine. My initial response is to say no, to refuse her immediately, but I have a feeling she needs this.

I can’t stop my gaze from dropping to her legs, even though she’s wearing clothes, I see beneath those.

“Fine. But you have to promise me something,” I tell her, stepping in close, my palms landing on either side of her head, as I cage her in. “If you need to stop at any point, you tell me. You do not, and I mean do not, push past your limits.”

She laughs. “Do I need a safe word?”

“Yeah.” And I’m not even joking.

Nesrin ponders my response, her eyes sparking, as she nods. “Fine. It’s Rose.” I can’t help but smile before pushing away from her and stepping back.

“Meet me in the greenhouse in ten minutes. Remember, don’t wear anything that will get you hurt. Cover up,” I tell her, before turning for my bedroom. “Oh and, Nesrin,” I call to her before she steps over the threshold of her room, “don’t wear panties. You won’t be needing them.”

I’m in the greenhouse, ready, waiting. The items I need are strapped to me—rope, knife, lighter. The rose I’m holding is deep red, the petals perfectly opened, splayed, just how I want Nesrin to be tonight.

With our folks at home, it’s tricky to even consider fucking her anywhere in the house. Even though our bedrooms have doors, just the thought of them down the hall makes me anxious.

With a quick glance at the forest behind me, I allow the excitement to twist in my chest. My body is rigid with the need to run into the darkness and get lost amongst the trees. Just the thought of having her beside me has me on edge, in a good way.

“I’m ready for the real thing this time,” she whispers when she steps into the glass house. She’s dressed in tight black yoga pants, a tank top with her hoodie unzipped, and sneakers. She looks beautiful in the darkness, just like she did the first night we ran.

I hold the rose up, reaching for my lighter, I flick it to life. The flame dances over the petals, searing the perfection, turning the deep red to black. Nesrin’s golden eyes are ablaze, just like the flower that’s slowly turning to ash.

Once the bud is completely singed, I kill the flame and slip my lighter into my back pocket, before handing her the burnt rose. Her hand wraps around the stem, and I watch in awe as the crimson drips from the piercings of the thorns.

“You did that on purpose,” I accuse her, and she can’t refute me; she knows it’s true. When Nesrin opens her hand, I grab her wrist, bringing her palm to my nose. Inhaling her scent has my mouth-watering, and I can’t stop myself from leaning in to taste her. “Are you completely sure you want this?”

Her gaze flits to mine, her pupils dilate, and her lips part on a soft whisper of, yes.

“Then run,” I order, low, barely audible, but when her feet move, I know she’s heard me. I step out of the greenhouse, watching her path into the trees, and then I take off behind her. The moment I hit the tree line, I listen, slowing down just enough to pick up the footfalls on the ground.

When I hear the creak in a branch, I move to the left. My heart rate spiking with excitement, as I make my way through the shadows of the trees. Even though it’s dark, I know my way through the maze before me. I wonder if she’ll head toward the water, or if she’ll run the other way.

A few meters later, I stop, listen, and close my eyes to focus on the sounds that skitter across the forest. A harsh breath echoes from my right-hand side, so I follow it. A smile playing on my lips, as I make way on the soft ground, and, seconds later, I see her in the sliver of light coming from the moon above us.

I grab at her, my fingers brushing along the material of her hoodie and a scream falls free from her, making me chuckle.

“I’m coming for you, wild rose,” I warn her, as my cock thickens against my zipper. Fuck, I’m so ready for her right now. I want her heat wrapped around me like a vise.

She shoots forward, her breathing coming out in short, quick spurts that makes my desire for her burn through me like a blaze taking out everything in its way.
