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“I ran, it was exhilarating, and I lost myself to the euphoria of freedom.” Golden eyes watch me intently. “Somewhere in the darkness, I heard a scream. It was piercing. I made my way toward it, following the sounds that came from deep in the forest.”

Nesrin’s on the edge of her seat, her lips slightly parted, her chest rising and falling, and her hands twisting in her lap.

“Creed was there, standing back when I reached a clearing. I didn’t see it at first, but when Gen came up behind me, she screamed so loud, the sound pierced the woods, and I realized what was lying on the ground.”

Ice races through my veins. The memory still haunts me. I blamed Creed all these years. I walked away from that fucking life, but Nesrin took me right back. The only difference is, I kept her safe.

“Damien?” My girl is on her feet, making her way toward me. I swallow my drink before I look at her again.

“Gen’s sister was killed that night. It could’ve been an accident, but I was still plagued by guilt,” I admit, as a gasp of shock falls from Nesrin’s lips. “And we watched it happen.” The words are out of my mouth before I have time to think. “Thorne Haven has far too many secrets, not even the people who live there like to talk about it.”

“What happened, though?”

“Do you remember when I told you the forest is dangerous?” She nods, and I know she’s recalling the threat I threw at her that night. “There are certain parts of the forest that have been set up by hunters to make sure we don’t get any wild animals, or anything like that out here. We know where they are, but someone not used to the forest can get themselves hurt, badly.”

Nesrin visibly shudders. I don’t need to tell her what happened. “But you blamed Creed for it?” Confusion creases her brows, causing them to furrow.

“The man who killed Gen’s sister is Creed Haven.” My admission has her mouth returning to a shocked O, and her eyes spark with surprise. “We had a fight that night. Creed told me it was an accident, that she took a wrong turn and he tried to warn her, but…” My words taper off into nothing, into the darkness. The memory of that night haunts me, every fucking day. “Creed told the police he had found her like that. They didn’t know about our game, and he kept it that way, telling them we were out for a walk and she got angry and ran off.”

“What about you and Gen?”

“We told them that we didn’t see what had happened, which is the truth. In the end they ruled it as an accident, since it was a trap set out by hunters. I blamed Creed for being a murderer. He hated me because I thought the worst of him. But there was nothing else that made sense. I didn’t see him do it, but deep down, I wonder if he ever did try to stop her.”

“So, you still don’t know what happened for sure? Like if Creed did it on purpose,” Nesrin whispers, shock still ringing in her voice.

Shaking my head, I can’t help but sigh. “I don’t know if Creed led her down that path on purpose, no, or if she just veered off our normal route through the forest, but before the scream, I didn’t hear him shout to her. Voices carry in those woods, and I have a feeling he just let her go.”

“I don’t even know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything at all. It’s over, we’re here, and I want you to focus on us. On your studies and on your new life.” I pull her into my arms, and thank god, she’s here because I could never be without her.

Even though we have had our challenges, I’m thankful she chose me. Each time I wake up, looking at her, I know I’ve done something right in my life.

“I love you so much, Damien,” Nesrin whispers into my shirt, and I can’t help the smile that graces my lips.

“I love you too, wild rose,” I admit the truth. I tried to fight it, tried to steer clear of her, but each time I saw her, I was drawn in. I had no choice in the matter. She was always going to be mine.



Six Months Later

Summer in London is not always consistent, but today is a beautiful sunny day. My dress swishes around my thighs, as I make my way through the throng of tourists that fill the sidewalk.

When I chose Damien over everything else, leaving it all behind, I knew I had to make a life that I wanted, instead of what my mother had dictated to me.
