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Shaking my head of the wayward thought, I focus on the drive. When Cassian pulls up to the parking spot and kills the engine, he’s out of the car and rounding the back to open my door. It’s something he’s always done. I step out, and he doesn’t move out of the way, which has his body looming over mine.

He reaches for a lock of my hair and tugs it gently. “Happy birthday, sweet girl,” he coos, and my body goes into overdrive. My stomach tumbles, my heart leaps into my throat, and for a moment, I pray he’s going to kiss me. I pray with everything in me that those perfect lips will touch mine. “Behave yourself tonight, or there will be consequences.”

His threat does not alleviate the heat coursing through my veins. And my thighs squeeze together at his nearness and the fact that his lips are inches from mine.

“Like what?” I sass him. In an attempt to fold my arms across my chest, my hands brush against him, which has him stepping back as if I’ve broken the spell he was under.

“Don’t you worry,” he tells me quickly. “Just behave.” The warning is clear—don’t do drugs. But then he takes my hand and tugs me deeper into the woods, where the rest of the student body is already partying.

That was the closest we’ve come to kissing. To touching. Yeah, we’ve held hands before, but this is different. Something has shifted, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. I’m almost certain his feelings are reciprocated, but he has never verbally admitted it.

We stop at the truck that’s filled with two kegs, and Cassian grabs two Solo cups. He fills them both and hands me one.

“The most you’re having,” he warns.

“It’s my birthday.” I’m sure I sound like a whiny kid, but it really is my birthday, and if he expects me to sip on one beer all night, he has another thing coming.

We move toward the music, which is blaring from one of the cars. I spot the Haven brothers—Creed, Keirin, and Brody—as we make our way to where they’re huddled with a few girls.

“Cass, my man,” Creed greets, and the guys give a one-shoulder hug. Creed’s deep green eyes land on me, and even in the dim light, there’s a fire burning in them. “Pretty girl. Want to come play with a Haven?”

“Okay, enough,” Cassian admonishes his friend who only chuckles, but his gaze still drinks me in. The other two Haven brothers laugh, their eyes flicking between Cass and Creed. Usually, they follow Creed around as if he were their leader. He’s the eldest of the three which, I can only assume, makes him alpha, as if they’re a wolf pack.

As the night wears on. I find another drink, and another. I’m leaning against a tree trunk when a couple of seniors from school come over to me, one on each side. One of them leans in to whisper in my ear, “Want to party with us?” His voice is low, filled with desire, and even though I know I shouldn’t, I nod.

Cassian hasn’t come to find me. He’s with Creed and Finn, and right now, I’m lonely. I follow the guys to a car, where they slip into the back seat, dragging me in along with them.

It doesn’t take long for the white powder to make its appearance. And seconds later, I’m inhaling deeply. The numbness that’s so welcome takes over, and I lean back against the seat.

My eyes are closed, the high slowly taking me to the clouds, when I feel a hand on my arm, trailing over my hypersensitive skin. Tingles erupt along with goosebumps, and I can’t stop a smile from playing on my lips. I needed to forget tonight. I craved the numbing sensation, and as it holds me hostage, I enjoy it.

Another hand grips my thigh, squeezing ever so slightly before trailing its way up. Before I can react, fingers brush between my legs, but I push them away.

“No. I’m not into that,” I mumble, but I don’t know if they heard me. My voice sounds far away. Everything seems to start spinning, and all I feel are fingers and hands. “Please, stop it.”

“Aww, come on, birthday girl. Let’s party,” a deep voice whispers in my ear. His hand grips my breast harshly, causing me to cry out in pain, and suddenly, it’s gone, and cold air hits me. I’m slung over someone’s shoulder, and being upside down doesn’t help the spinning.

“Put me down,” I beg, attempting to punch whoever it is in the back, but they ignore me. With every step, I’m sent spiraling, and when I’m finally righted, my feet firmly on the ground, I glance up into furious teal eyes.

“What the fuck are you playing at?” Cassian’s voice is rough as rage takes hold of him. Fire blazes in his eyes, and for the first time in my life, I’m afraid of him.
