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“Well, it does for me at least. Not sure about the audience. Performing’s the best feeling in the whole world for me though.”

“Best?” Brandt raised an eyebrow, same as he would with one of his buddies. “Better than sex? Because I love skydiving, and at its best, it beats out mediocre sex, but good sex...that’s still the winner.”

“For you maybe.” Shane surprised him by not joking back, but instead going serious. “Not sure I’d know.”

Brandt had to blink at that. Repeatedly. “You mean the not into women thing? Because last I heard straight sex didn’t have the monopoly on amazing.”

“I’ll take your word for it. I don’t exactly have the experience to compare.” Shane fumbled the piece he was holding before he recovered, voice going firmer. “I’m not like Shelby. Or my dad, who never can keep it in his pants. I saw how they were, and that wasn’t for me. I’m not into random hookups, and the road is hell on friendships, let alone anything more.”

“You’re a virgin?” No way. The guy was far too good-looking for that. And sure he was a little serious and grumpy, but some people dug that.

Shane’s mouth twisted and his forehead wrinkled. “I guess you could call it that. At the risk of TMI, I’ve had some hot make-out sessions, but for one reason or another, it never went further. Usually because one of us was leaving town in a hurry.”

“Wow. I can’t imagine...” And that right there was a lie and not a particularly well delivered one. Because Brandt could picture in technicolor detail, a hot and heavy make-out session with this guy. What he couldn’t imagine though was that Shane had never ventured beyond that.

Rolling his eyes, Shane shook his head. “Well. Of course you can’t.”

“Hey now. I have restraint. Sometimes.” For example, there was that whole part of himself he seldom indulged. And he was ready to tell Shane that, admit that maybe Shane wasn’t the only one lacking in some vital experiences. He secured the last support for the crib and took a step toward Shane. Dangerous. Potent. Like the last moment before exiting a plane with a parachute. Probably ill-advised, but he needed—

Waaaah. The baby cried right as he took that step, and Shane looked away in a hurry.

“I’ll go get her. We can introduce her to the new crib.” Shane’s eagerness to get out of this conversation was more than clear, even if he was cute, wanting to show their work off. Still, Brandt couldn’t help but feel like a moment had been lost. And foolish as it was, hell if he didn’t hope another chance came along sooner rather than later.

* * *

Jewel hated her new room. Oh, she’d been adorable at first, lying on her back in the crib while Brandt danced the little soft toys they’d bought around her, trying to encourage her to reach and grab. And she’d been sweet, hanging out in her new swing while they managed to eat a quick dinner. But now it was three a.m. and she was angry. There had already been more wakeups than any night Shane had had her, and that was saying something.

“Come on, baby. Time for sleep.” Shane jiggled her from side to side, throat rough from humming to her. He’d tried everything, including re-reading the baby book while pacing with her.

“Want me to take over?” Brandt appeared in the doorway to the room. And damn. He looked way too good sleepy. Even with sharing dinner, Shane had managed to avoid more deep talk and had also given Brandt and whatever this strange energy was between them an extra-wide berth. But apparently the universe wanted to tempt him even more because here Brandt was all shirtless, fuzzy chest and ripped muscles on full display.

He smelled good too, like he’d showered with that pine soap before bed. And Shane was somehow supposed to concentrate on the baby with him this close?

“You’ve got work tomorrow. I’ve got this.”

“No, you don’t.” Brandt’s voice was both sleepy and matter-of-fact. Not nearly as cranky as Shane felt. “But I’ve got an idea. Hang tight.”

Shane nodded like he had much choice in the matter. Brandt disappeared only to return a few minutes later carrying the rocking chair that had been in a corner of the sunroom.

“Babies are supposed to like this, right?” Brandt’s grin was far too chipper for the hour, and he plopped down in the chair before Shane could thank him for the gesture. “Hand the diva over.”

“I can—”

“I know you can. But you’re dead on your feet. Let me.”

“Okay.” Shane couldn’t keep fighting him. He passed over the fussy, squirmy baby who almost immediately quieted as Brandt settled her against his chest. Figured. Shane would give a happy sigh if he got to cuddle those warm muscles too. “Don’t let her fool you. She’ll quiet then howl as soon as she hits the crib.”
