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“But I’m done now.” Brandt moved his hands up Shane’s torso, toying with his pearl-snap buttons before leaning down to nuzzle at Shane’s neck. “You smell good.”

“I shaved before my gig. And you smell nice too.” Shane met his gaze, dragging that moment right before they kissed out, enjoying Brandt nipping at his neck and jaw. “You’re cute all eager.”

“Yeah, but I’m not so hard up that I can’t wait if you’re exhausted or want a shower or—”

Brandt might be able to wait but Shane couldn’t. A shower might be polite, but hell if his body was slowing down after all this waiting and anticipating. He slid his mouth over Brandt’s, a slow, deliberate claiming. He liked being the steady rock to Brandt’s impatience, the thing that silenced all his usual motion and energy. And damn did it feel good, the way Brandt clung to him as Shane explored his mouth. He knew now more of what Brandt liked, the harder sucks and deeper tongue swipes, and he used all those tricks to get him moaning.

“Well, okay then.” Brandt looked adorably dazed as Shane released his mouth to catch a breath. “Good. We’re on the same page.”

“We are.” Shane gave him a pointed look before resuming the kiss, deeper now, more purposeful. Part of his brain wanted to slow down, seduce and tease, but the other part kept pointing out that the couch was right there. It had been days since they’d had this. He tried to steer Brandt back to the couch, but he planted his feet, preventing Shane from toppling them both to the cushions.

“Not here.” Brandt jerked his head in the direction of the hall.

“No?” Shane asked even as he let Brandt tug him toward the bedrooms.

“We need a bed for what I’ve got planned. That is, if you’re up for one of my ideas...”

“Oh, I’m up.” Shane brushed against him so he could feel exactly how up certain parts of Shane were. “And your last idea was so good I swear I can still feel the aftershocks. What’s this one?”

“How would you feel about trying fucking?” Brandt had a lopsided grin as he hauled Shane even closer against him. “I figure if toys were good, your cock might be even better. But only if you feel like that’s something you wanna try.”

All Shane’s blood rushed south and his voice came out all breathless. “You want me to fuck you?”

“Hell yes.” Brant’s gruff voice and easy grin had Shane vibrating like a too-tight guitar string. Hell yes, indeed.

Chapter Eighteen

“But only if you’re comfortable.” Brandt’s heart was hammering, far more than he’d thought possible over this question. “I don’t want you to look back and regret your first time.”

“I’m not going to. Promise.” Shane moved in to kiss him, a soft brush of their lips, the sealing of a deal.

“Good.” As much as Brandt had fantasized about this over the years, he wanted to make Shane’s sexy dreams come true too. And he hated the thought of Shane not being here and of him moving on, but at least he could send him off with hot memories, not pages of regrets. “Don’t want to end up in some angry song.”

Shane laughed. “Don’t worry. If I put you in a song, it’ll be a good one.”

“Deal.” Him? In a song? Not likely, especially not the sweet ballads Shane was so damn good at. Brandt went ahead and ducked into his bedroom before they could accidentally wake the baby with their talking in the hall. Shane followed, bending to toe off his boots before straightening with a chuckle.

“What?” Shane pointed at the bed, which Brandt had haphazardly made after his shower. “You didn’t set out the stuff? I’m disappointed.”

“I didn’t want to add pressure by being too...eager.” Brandt went ahead and grabbed the condoms and lube out of the nightstand and pulled back the covers before tossing them on the bed.

“Well, you can be as eager as you want now.” Shane brushed Brandt’s hair out of the way, fingers tickling a moment before his lips arrived, hot and possessive on Brandt’s neck. “And lose the pants.”

“No please?” Brandt teased the best he could with Shane’s mouth wreaking havoc on his nerve endings.

“You need sweet talking?” Shane traced Brandt’s waistband with his thumbs.

“Probably not.” Impatience won out as usual, and Brandt went ahead and shoved his pants off. “And I want you naked too.”

“Oh, I’m planning on it.” Shane started on his shirt buttons, but Brandt batted his hands out of the way so he could do it.

“Good.” There was something super sexy about him being the naked one while Shane was still fully dressed. Unwrapping Shane slowly made Brandt’s skin prickle with fresh awareness. Once he had Shane’s shirt open, he couldn’t resist sweeping his hands up and down Shane’s torso and dropping a kiss under his collarbone. “I haven’t seen near enough of your skin.”
