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I shuddered with desire, already climbing the mountain to come again.

No one fit me like he did.

No one made me comfortable enough to tip my head back and moan at the moon.

No one understood what I needed as he increased his pace, stabbing into me with quick, vicious thrusts, making water splash and sizzle in the fire, his hands grabbing, rubbing, fisting every inch of my exposed skin.

“God, Kas.” I cried out as he pinched my clit, sending me spiraling.

His teeth sank into my neck as he fucked me hard and fast. His breath puffed hot on my damp flesh, his scruff got tangled in my hair as we writhed together.

We gave up all concepts of being people and just let nature guide us.

We took and gave. We rode and rocked.

Up, up, up.

Gasping, groaning, thrusting, fucking.

We climbed fast and high together.

We gasped and grunted and when I didn’t think I could take another moment, he wrapped his arms around me in a bear hug from behind as his hips shot up and his cock unloaded inside me.

“Holy...fucking...hell.” He jerked and spurted, losing himself to his release but still too well trained by his past to let me go unsatisfied.

Even as his body purged into me, delivering streams of his desire, his fingers found my clit and electrified me.

His touch was enough.

A single press and rub.

And I followed him, clenching his cock, milking the final dregs of his orgasm, ensuring we both couldn’t breathe as we went tight with the last waves of pleasure before collapsing together into the remaining shallow water.


I’D FINALLY DIED AND somehow snuck my way into heaven.

It was the only explanation for what just happened.

I dared not move.

I was too shit-terrified of breaking whatever hallucination this was. Because it had to be a dream. This couldn’t be real. That couldn’t have happened. No fucking way would she ever initiate sex between us. And not just initiate but participate so vocally, so physically, with her entire godforsaken soul.

My heart raced, speeding up instead of calming down after the best release of my life. The longer I lay with her flopped on my chest in a bath beneath the stars, the more I panicked.

This reminded me of the book I’d read, the one responsible for me dragging a bath out here in the first place. The lovers in those pages had fucked beneath the moon. They’d napped together and whispered their devotion and then they’d climbed out, hand in hand, to chase their destiny.

I swallowed hard.

I wanted that.

So fucking much.

But no way could that happen...could it?

When I dared to look down, my eyes drank in the sight of Gemma sprawled over me—her knees wedged against the side of the bath, her breasts above the waterline, and her head lolled to the side and resting against my throat.

My T-shirt had floated up, exposing most of my belly with its padlocked chain, my jeans were barely shoved down my thighs, and my cock twitched rhythmically, as if checking it was still inside her, still locking us together, still preparing to stay in a dream rather than return to reality.

Slowly, she raised her head and looked at me. Her hazel stare was pure molten lust and satisfaction. “Hi...”

My heart skipped a beat.

She was stunning when she was sated. Loose and languid, looking deliciously well fucked.

I closed my eyes and shook my head.

This isn’t real.

I’d snapped.

I’d finally snapped and couldn’t wake up.

I didn’t want to wake up.

“Are you okay?” She twisted in my arms, causing us to disengage, leaving my chest hollow and achy. Lying over me, she cupped my face with her hands and stared at me so kindly, so sweetly, I felt fucking tears try to crawl into my eyes.

If this was real...if this truly happened, I honestly didn’t know how I’d ever go back to being who I was.

This changed fucking everything.

Every moment, every day, every year of my life was now hers.

A wave of possession, obsession, and absolute fear rose for this gorgeous girl who looked at me as if I meant something. Meant something to her.

Even after I’d soiled her.

Even after I’d captured her.

I closed my eyes and bit my bottom lip, doing my best to stop my heart from cracking and bleeding out of my chest.

“Hey.” She reached up and pressed a delicate kiss on my lips. “Whatever you’re thinking about, stop it. Get out of your mind, Kas, and look at me.”

I braced myself and did what she commanded. “This truly happened?” My voice was no better than an animal. Gruff and halting, inarticulate with disbelief.

She nodded and smiled almost shyly. “This truly happened.” She settled back on my chest, her breasts squishing against my muscles, her flawless skin highlighting just how many scars carved mine.

“Do you like that, little Kas?” A blade drawing initials into my pec. “You’re now my property. See?”
