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“Complaining?” I ask smugly.

“No,” she says with a cute little pout. “But I want to finish our conversation before you turn my brain to mush again.”

I open my mouth to respond but she slaps her hand over it and glares at me, making me laugh even harder.

“Back to that bedroom thing. Aren’t there four extra bedrooms in your house?” Her tone is slightly incredulous.

“Our house,” I mumble against her palm.

“Fine, our house,” she snaps. “Four?”

I don’t answer right away, waiting for her to remove her hand. She rolls her eyes and takes it away, then watches me expectantly. “We can always build more,” I tell her cheekily.

Nicole’s jaw drops and I quickly distract her by sealing our lips together. My tongue sweeps in to mate with hers and things start to heat up again. She ends up riding me and then when we get up to get ready, I end up bending her over the couch and taking her once more.

Might as well hedge my bets by stacking the deck.

* * *

“You look so beautiful, Fiona,” I praise. I gaze at her with absolute adoration, making her blush prettily. “I am so in love with you, I can barely see straight when you are around.”

Tears well in her eyes and her voice trembles. “Then why haven’t you called off your engagement?”

“You know it’s complicated, baby. Don’t give up on me,” I plead. “You’re the only one I want.” I lift her hand to my mouth and place a soft kiss in the center of her palm before flipping it over and brushing my lips over the back.

If I wasn’t so great at my job, my face would clearly display how much I hate seeing Nicole’s naked ring finger. It has been a month since I slipped her four-carat, cushion cut, engagement ring on her hand three days after we said I love you. She woke up to the sun sparkling on the diamond and gasped before tackling me and making us very late to the set. Not that I had any complaints.

I hated that she would have to remove it for filming, but at least my “proposal” (as if I would really ask) was splashed all over the tabloids so the world knew she was officially mine.

“You tipped them off, didn’t you?” Nicole asked me the next day while we were on a break and relaxing in our trailer. I just grinned and she rolled her eyes before laughing. “You’re such a Neanderthal sometimes.”

I’d stood from where we were snuggling on the couch and scooped her up into my arms. “I am man,” I grunted, making her giggle. “Claim woman.” Then I marched into the back bedroom and did just that.

“Let’s just eat and enjoy the little bit of time we have left,” Nicole says sadly, bringing me back into the moment.

I nod and lift a piece of pastry to her mouth. She smiles sweetly and opens but when she inhales the lemon scent, her face drains of color and she jumps to her feet. “Baby?” I ask, worried by how pale she suddenly looks.

“Cut!” Jackie yells as she stands. “Nicole? Are you all right?”

Nicole slaps a hand over her mouth and bolts off set. I run after her, seeing her dart into our dressing room. I dash in after her but don’t see her anywhere. Then I hear the sound of someone getting sick in the bathroom. I enter and see her on her knees losing the contents of her stomach. I quickly wet a wash cloth, then drop down beside her and lift her hair back, placing the cool rag on her neck.

After a few minutes, she sits back and takes the towel I hand her to wipe her mouth. “Well that was embarrassing,” she groans. “For some reason, lemon turns my stomach lately. Which is weird because I usually love it.”

“You’ve been getting sick and didn’t tell me?” I growl.

“I didn’t think it was a big deal. It’s just a bug. I always feel better after, so maybe I got food poisoning from something with lemon in it?”

“Just lemon?” I clarify as an idea begins to form.

She shrugs and moves to stand. I hastily hop up and help her to her feet. “Well, I felt queasy when they brought me bacon with my breakfast yesterday.” Grabbing a toothbrush, she brushes her teeth and the color returns to her face.

The worry I was feeling melts away and a smile slowly spreads across my face. Nicole spits out the paste and rinses her mouth then frowns at me in the mirror. “I thought you’d be a lot more upset that I didn’t tell you. And, why does my getting sick make you happy, you big lug? Shouldn’t you be pampering me?”

I full out grin and slip my arms around her waist, resting my hands on her flat tummy. “Absolutely, my little starlet. You deserve to be pampered.” I kiss her neck before locking my eyes with her crystal blue ones in the mirror. “And, I hate that you are getting sick, baby. But, I’m happy as fuck at the reason why.”
