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Our heads jerk up in surprise, and we find Sarah and Tyson standing there, staring at us. Sarah is glaring at Austin, but Tyson has a big grin on his face.

“How’d you two get in here?” Austin growls. “The door was closed for a reason.”

Sarah leans back and raps her knuckles against the door. “We knocked like a dozen times.”

“She felt like what she had to show Nicole couldn’t wait, and I wasn’t about to let her barge right in without me,” Tyson adds.

“Sorry. We were lost in our own little world and didn’t hear you.” I’m not sure if I’m ready to share the big news with our agents yet, even if Ty is one of Austin’s best friends, and a positive pregnancy test is sitting out in plain view on the counter. I lace my fingers through Austin’s and tug him out of the bathroom. Then I shut the door behind us and ask, “What did you want to show me?”

“This.” She practically shoves the magazine she’s holding into my hands. “Did the paps get this right?”

I have no idea what she’s talking about. “Get what right?”

While I’m still holding the magazine, she flips through it and points to a page. “The article about you being preggers.”

“Article? What article?!” I screech. I barely catch a glimpse of a picture of Tyson and I outside the trailer before Austin yanks the magazine out of my grasp.

He does a quick scan of the article. “What the fuck is this?”

Tyson tugs the magazine out of Austin’s hand—the darn thing really is getting around—and peers down at it. “It’s a picture of me escorting your fiancée back to your trailer.”

“I know that,” Austin growls. “But why is it in this damn magazine?”

“Did you really just ask me that?” Tyson rolls his eyes. “You know how it works. Someone must’ve snapped a picture of us and shopped it around. At that angle it looks like she has a tiny baby bump going on, and the ring you made sure everyone knows about isn’t on her finger. Add in me holding the door open for her, and you’ve got the perfect recipe for bullshit gossip.”

Austin pins Sarah with his gaze. “Did you really come barging in here to ask my fiancée if this garbage is true?”

“Obviously not the crap about Nicole ending your engagement because she’s pregnant with Tyson’s baby.” A deep snarl rumbles up Austin’s chest, and Sarah rushes to explain, “I wanted to know if she’s actually pregnant or if she was just bloated or something that day. This is her first major role, so the timing couldn’t be worse for her to have a baby when it comes to her career.”

And there goes my chance to keep the news between just the two of us for a little bit because Austin barks out, “If she was bloated, it was probably because of the baby. The pregnancy is the only part they got fucking right, and the timing is perfect for us. If you don’t like it, then Nicole can always find a new agent who does.”

Sarah holds her hands up in a gesture of surrender. “As long as it’s what Nicole wants, you can knock her up as many times as you want. I’ll always be in her corner.”

“Plan on working around her pregnancies.” Yup, he went with plural before pointing a finger at Tyson, who mirrors Sarah’s gesture of surrender and proclaims, “Hey, man. It wasn’t me.”

“Shut the fuck up,” Austin growls, not finding Tyson’s attempt at humor funny. “You do not want to mess with me right now.”

Tyson’s smile wipes away. “How can I help?”

Austin stabs a finger at the magazine Tyson is still holding. “Come up with a public relations plan to counteract the garbage in that article. I want everyone in the world to know that the baby she’s carrying is mine.”

Tyson nods. “You got it.”

I frown and gaze up at Austin. “Aren’t we supposed to wait until three months or something before we start telling people?”

He shrugs. “Cat’s already out of the bag, so I want the world to know who put that kitten in your belly.”

Austin kisses my nose, then glares at Ty. “I also want to know who took that picture.” Austin pulls me closer. “A message needs to be sent that you need to be prepared for your life to go to shit if you fuck with what’s mine.”

Sarah rubs her hands together. “I’ll do some digging and find out who it was.”

“And I’ll make sure they can’t find another job in this town after they’re fired,” Tyson adds.

Austin’s hand clenches against my side. “That’s not enough. I want to—”

“That’ll be fine,” I tell Tyson before looking up at Austin. “Because anything else you do could land you in jail and then I’d have to deal with this pregnancy all by myself.”
